NerdSEQ stock, Superbooth 2018
First of all a happy new year and all the best for 2018 to all of you!!
2017 was agreat year for me as i really got started with the company and releasing the NerdSEQ which was a great success and highly accepted by all of you! The first batch sold very well and now the 2nd batch is already in the making. At this point i can’t make any new NerdSEQs as i am waiting for a component since 6 weeks which seem to be lost on the way. Even though i made multiple orders for it, none of them arrived yet. I hope for them to arrive soon and be able to deliver again before february. The good thing about it is that i already designed PLAN B so i don’t rely on this component anymore for the future. But that will be earliest ready at the end of february, begin march.
Superbooth 2018 is coming and i booked my table again for it. More info coming!