NerdSEQ Expanders
- Routing the external input 1-4 to expanders (3 Replies)
- Mirror/Duplicate CV or MOD to CV16 (2 Replies)
- IO EXPANDER [midi] vs the midi trs expander (2 Replies)
- How many expander combos can you add to nerdseq (1 Reply)
- Launch Pad Pro Training reque$ted (0 Replies)
- Confirmed working keyboards for video expander (5 Replies)
- All I want for xmas is the Multi-IO expander. (0 Replies)
- Video Expander (65 Replies)
- 2HP Midi expander (36 Replies)
- Restock on More CV16 (2 Replies)
- More Video IO and Keyboard Layout (1 Reply)
- MIDI / Sega expander - Sega port language (2 Replies)
- More Video, Intellijel Case, Mods? (1 Reply)
- Original MIDI IO Expander - power over MIDI? (2 Replies)
- [solved] 2HP MIDI expander no output? (3 Replies)
- trigger local on cv expander track? (3 Replies)
- Envelopes to the CV expanders? (1 Reply)
- Trigger 16 velocity? (7 Replies)
- Expert Sleepers FH2 (2 Replies)
- QWERTY Keyboard Am I Doing Something Wrong? (0 Replies)