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Full Version: Help with adding an octave glide at the beginning of each note
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I'm quite new to NerdSeq and I'm trying to add a quick octave rise to the beginning of each note played in a pattern.

I've tried adding a CV glide and a pitch shift of +12 to the FX channel.
And I've tried sending an envelope to the CV output but I can't seem to get the effect I'm looking for.

I've read through the envelope section of the manual and I'm a little confused as to how they work.

When I send an envelope to the CV of channel 1 is it summed with the sequenced note?
Do I need to trigger it with an FX?

Can anyone help?
(03-18-2022, 10:38 AM)Laplace Wrote: [ -> ]I'm quite new to NerdSeq and I'm trying to add a quick octave rise to the beginning of each note played in a pattern.

I've tried adding a CV glide and a pitch shift of +12 to the FX channel.
And I've tried sending an envelope to the CV output but I can't seem to get the effect I'm looking for.

I've read through the envelope section of the manual and I'm a little confused as to how they work.

When I send an envelope to the CV of channel 1 is it summed with the sequenced note?
Do I need to trigger it with an FX?

Can anyone help?

Envelopes are not summed with the outputs (if outputs are the destination for example). Only automators are summed with the outputs.
Envelopes are triggered with different sources or via the FX.

For glide you don't use envelopes but rather the glide functions either via the current values screen or the FX. Here the note glides to the next note in the selected speed/step ratio.
Thanks for clarifying that so quickly!

I set the previous step to one octave below with the gate off, the GL C to 00A and the GLCS to 001.

Works like a dream!
(03-18-2022, 11:18 AM)Laplace Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for clarifying that so quickly!

I set the previous step to one octave below with the gate off, the GL C to 00A and the GLCS to 001.

Works like a dream!

Ah nice to hear!  Have a happy gliding weekend!