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I dunno if it would be great for everyone else, but I personally would love a notepad that would allow me to write down notes about the track, like routings and knob positions. It would be nice to be able to look these up when I return to a song I left on the back burner and came back to
1) I easily see that storing notes about a patch together with the patch would come handy.
2) I don't think I'd add any notes w/o a proper keyboard attached. The method used to enter e.g. a filename for saving a patch is good enough for entering up to 8 character. Being forced to enter longer texts that way I would consider a severe punishment Smile

So how do you think a useable UI would look like?

I regularly backup my SD card to my computer [no backup -> no sympathy]. There I do have text files <patchname>.txt where I write whatever I want to remember about a patch. Maybe that's good enough for you too!?
I think I would use a Project level notepad, although I think as mgd mentioned, without a keyboard I would use it mainly for a quick note saying what module the track was controlling.

I do this fine right now with a kind of workaround though, I make Row 00 on page 1 of the sequencer screen my "utility header row".

I mean that I put an empty pattern in Row 00 on each track and then name those patterns with the track "name". So If I go back to a project and I want to see what I was doing with each track I can scroll across the patterns in Row 00 and at the bottom of the Sequencer screen it says the pattern names which is what I used the track for.

So in the pictures attached, I have a pattern called "ERICABD" on track 1 row 00, this tells me I was controlling my Erica BD module with Track 1. The pattern in Track 2 Row 00 is called BD909 so I know Track 2 was sending out to my TipTop BD909.

8 chars pattern name is enough for me to do this. I can repeat on subsequent rows to add more notes about tracks if needed e.g. DST+ZVRB but I tend to just use the header one.

The way I explained this is a bit clumsy but the pictures should show it better Smile