Hello, I‘ll first repost what I just posted under the Youtube Video because I guess I will come back with more questions to really understand how this has to be set up. (
31:38 I feel really dumb coming back to the NerdSeq after another year of break. I watched videos for an hour now and I can‘t get a „simple“ setup working.
I use the More CV 16 expander and just want to play 3 notes at the same time (chords) but also at different times.
I set up 3 channels + 3 envelopes, and got the first channel working with this tutorial (notes on 1, triggers in 2 that come out at at track trigger, so the original nerdseq)
I just want it to work like on my old Hermod. Have 6 cables for 3 notes polyphony and know where what has to be.
I used channel 3 for the 2nd set of notes I want to record (or the 2nd note in a chord) and channel 4 for the triggers. Problems started there. I can only set „Track Trigger“ or „Destination Trigger 4“. Where is „Destination Trigger 4“ coming out?
I would love to have 3 notes and 3 gate outputs in the end. It would be nice to have the gates also come out of the MORE CV 16 so the cables can be next to each other, like Note 1: CV 1, Gate 9, Note 2: CV 2, Gate from channel 10 and Note 3: CV 3, Gate from Channel 11.
But it would also be ok to have all the gates coming from the Track 1-6 Trigger inputs on the original NerdSeq hardware.
At the moment this is my setup and I don‘t understand why the 2nd note is always playing the same note despite the values (C6, C5, C4 and so on)
The note values should be output on channel 3 on the expander, shouldn‘t they?
(06-02-2022, 10:08 AM)ForAiur Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I‘ll first repost what I just posted under the Youtube Video because I guess I will come back with more questions to really understand how this has to be set up. (https://youtu.be/75YQ7CKU5Bo):
31:38 I feel really dumb coming back to the NerdSeq after another year of break. I watched videos for an hour now and I can‘t get a „simple“ setup working.
I use the More CV 16 expander and just want to play 3 notes at the same time (chords) but also at different times.
I set up 3 channels + 3 envelopes, and got the first channel working with this tutorial (notes on 1, triggers in 2 that come out at at track trigger, so the original nerdseq)
I just want it to work like on my old Hermod. Have 6 cables for 3 notes polyphony and know where what has to be.
I used channel 3 for the 2nd set of notes I want to record (or the 2nd note in a chord) and channel 4 for the triggers. Problems started there. I can only set „Track Trigger“ or „Destination Trigger 4“. Where is „Destination Trigger 4“ coming out?
I would love to have 3 notes and 3 gate outputs in the end. It would be nice to have the gates also come out of the MORE CV 16 so the cables can be next to each other, like Note 1: CV 1, Gate 9, Note 2: CV 2, Gate from channel 10 and Note 3: CV 3, Gate from Channel 11.
But it would also be ok to have all the gates coming from the Track 1-6 Trigger inputs on the original NerdSeq hardware.
Hello For,
the outputs are the outputs you decide on the 6 columns. If you choose for Trigger 4 for example, it would output on the local trigger4 output. However, recording would fill in envelopes which are functions of the CV16 output.
So you could set the outputs being the local CV1..6 outputs and if you chose to record 3+3 (where it would record 3 note and 3 'gate' lanes, it would fill in an envelope Attack/hold, on a note on and a envelope release on the note off. You can change the envelope itself so it would act like a gate (fastest attack, quite fast release, sustain on a level you need (mostly 5 volt for triggers). This would then act much like a normal Gate output.
In the new coming firmware version (NerdSEQ + CV16, here already in the public beta) you can also decide to use the CV16 outputs as triggers and can record into it as 3 CV + 3 Gates.
And channel 3 got an envelope running in your case, so notes are ignored. Press SHIFT+Stop on a stopped sequencer to stop the envelope and release the modulator so it can use notes again ( that is also a new setting in the coming firmware where you can choose if a new note should stop modulators automatically ) .
Thanks! I wondered why it was just working now without me having changed anything besides stopping and starting. The cable also seemed to not be perfectly stuck.
So until I install the new firmware I can only use the original gates (trigger outs)?
Is there a way to always get a trigger filled in automatically when entering a CV value?
Oh and will there be a way in the new firmware to output the gates on any of the CV slots or will it always be the next number (1= CV, 2 =gate) ?
(06-02-2022, 10:44 AM)ForAiur Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks! I wondered why it was just working now without me having changed anything besides stopping and starting. The cable also seemed to not be perfectly stuck.
So until I install the new firmware I can only use the original gates (trigger outs)?
Is there a way to always get a trigger filled in automatically when entering a CV value?
Oh and will there be a way in the new firmware to output the gates on any of the CV slots or will it always be the next number (1= CV, 2 =gate) ?
Yes, you can use the local triggers always anyways.
The trigger is not filled in automatically...might be a good one for a feature request maybe?
The Gate/CV slots can be freely selected just like you do now. And you can also include the trigger expander then into a CV16 track if wanted.
I have the trigger16 but he doesn‘t fit my small „getting back into Eurorack“ mobile case.
Automatic trigger fill-in is what I need most because it‘s logical that in „classical“ composing every note neets its trigger, doesn‘t it? I think a year ago I read and setup my normal tracks so that triggers are added automatically. So you already included that option somehow, if for other use cases.
You say the gate/cv slots can be freely selected … but I only had the options of Track 1 or Destination Trigger X (x being the channel number that I was on, so on channel 4 I could only chose between Track 1 or Destination Trigger 4) How do I setup different trigger locations? At the moment I have channel 1, 3 and 5 for CV and 2, 4 and 6 for gates so I can only use every 2nd row of the more CV for CV outs.
(06-02-2022, 01:25 PM)ForAiur Wrote: [ -> ]I have the trigger16 but he doesn‘t fit my small „getting back into Eurorack“ mobile case.
Automatic trigger fill-in is what I need most because it‘s logical that in „classical“ composing every note neets its trigger, doesn‘t it? I think a year ago I read and setup my normal tracks so that triggers are added automatically. So you already included that option somehow, if for other use cases.
You say the gate/cv slots can be freely selected … but I only had the options of Track 1 or Destination Trigger X (x being the channel number that I was on, so on channel 4 I could only chose between Track 1 or Destination Trigger 4) How do I setup different trigger locations? At the moment I have channel 1, 3 and 5 for CV and 2, 4 and 6 for gates so I can only use every 2nd row of the more CV for CV outs.
The local tracks got the option to auto-trigger fill in. But in the end, where a note is there is a trigger gate is only one option. But that would be too limited, lke you want ot change a note without retriggering.... Also, i think the combination 3 notes + 1 Gate is more common with eurorack/modular than 3 notes and each note it's own gate (and envelope and filter and vca patched).
But anyways, both is possible.
In the current stable version, if you choose local trigger ( like TTx ), then it would output on the trigger of the track you are using.
If you use the destination trigger ( TDx), then you choose one of the 6 trigger outputs defined by the column (CV2 would do the trigger on trigger 2 etc).
In the coming version, you can choose one of the trigger16 outputs or you can choose to output a trigger on one of the CV16 outputs. (eg, if you would set the 2nd column to CV9, then the trigger would output on CV9).