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over the last few days, i tried to collect all key and shortcuts possible in all screens.
Here is the list i just completed.
It would be nice, if you all look over it for errors, missed keys and shortcuts and things which are not clear.
Maybe this list could be something for including in the manual.


Update 2018.03.28: Added <SHIFT + DOWN + DELETE> combination in pattern Screen.

* Sequencer screen                                                            *
Cursor movement:
Move cursor one page (16 rows) up or down <UP>, <DOWN>

Change values:
Increase actual pattern number <SHIFT + CURSOR RIGHT>
Decrease actual pattern number <SHIFT + CURSOR LEFT>
Actual pattern number +16($10) <SHIFT + CURSOR UP>
Actual pattern number -16($10) <SHIFT + CURSOR DOWN>

Marking, copying, inserting and deleting:
Start marking <SHIFT + MARK>
-> End marking and copy marked content to clipboard <SHIFT + MARK>
-> Empty marked content <SHIFT + DELETE>
-> Delete marked content and shift existing content up <SHIFT + UP + DELETE>
Overwrite from clipboard at cursor position <SHIFT + COPY>
Insert from clipboard at cursor position (existing content will shift down) <SHIFT + DOWN + COPY>
Empty current value <SHIFT + DELETE>
Delete current value and shift existing content up <SHIFT + UP + DELETE>

Special for Sequencer screen:
Create new pattern <OK>
Clone actual pattern <SHIFT + OK>
Edit actual pattern <PATTERN>
Goto Current Values screen <PATCH>

Muting and Unmuting:
Mute/unmute actual track <SHIFT + DOWN + START>
Solo/unsolo actual track (twice for fast unmuting all tracks) <SHIFT + UP + START>

Start and stop recording <SHIFT + RECORD>

Start playing if nothing is running:
Start playing at actual row <SHIFT + START>
Start playing actual track <START>

Start playing if something is already running:
Trigger actual row to start <SHIFT + START>
-> Tracks in row, which were not already running, will start at global step 0
-> Tracks in row, which were already running, will start at next Live Quantize Point
Trigger actual track to start <START>
-> Track will start at global step 0, if not already running.
   Second time <START> lets track start at next Live Quantize Point.
-> Track will start at next Live Quantize Point, if already running

Stop all playing <SHIFT + STOP>
Stop playing track (stops, when playing pattern on this track is finished) <STOP>
-> Second time <STOP> will stop track at once

* Pattern screen                                                              *
Cursor movement:
Move cursor one page (16 steps) up or down <UP>, <DOWN>

Change values:
Increase actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR RIGHT>
Decrease actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR LEFT>
Big increase of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR UP>
Big decrease of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR DOWN>

Marking, copying, inserting and deleting:
Start marking <SHIFT + MARK>
-> End marking and copy marked content to clipboard <SHIFT + MARK>
-> Mark all <SHIFT + DOWN>
-> Empty marked content <SHIFT + DELETE>
-> Delete marked content and shift existing content up <SHIFT + UP + DELETE>
Overwrite from clipboard at cursor position <SHIFT + COPY>
Insert from clipboard at cursor position (existing content will shift down) <SHIFT + DOWN + COPY>
Empty current value <SHIFT + DELETE>
Delete current value and shift existing content up <SHIFT + UP + DELETE>
Insert empty value and shift everything below one row down <SHIFT + DOWN + DELETE>

Special for Pattern screen:
Create new patch (only in patch column) <OK>

Muting and Unmuting:
Mute/unmute actual track <SHIFT + DOWN + START>
Solo/unsolo actual track (twice for fast unmuting all tracks) <SHIFT + UP + START>

Start and stop recording <SHIFT + RECORD>

Start playing if nothing is running:
Start playing track at pattern step 0 <SHIFT + START> or <START>

Start playing if something is already running:
Trigger actual track to start at pattern step 0 <SHIFT + START> or <START>
-> Pattern/track will start at global step 0, if not already running.
   Second time <START> lets pattern/track start at next Live Quantize Point.
-> Pattern/track will start at next Live Quantize Point, if already running

Stop all playing <SHIFT + STOP>
Stop playing pattern/track (stops, when playing pattern on this track is finished) <STOP>
-> Second time <STOP> will stop pattern/track at once

* Patch screen                                                                *
Cursor movement:
Move cursor <CURSOR UP>, <CURSOR DOWN>

Change values:
Increase actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR RIGHT>
Decrease actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR LEFT>
Big increase of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR UP>
Big decrease of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR DOWN>
Disable value <SHIFT + DELETE>

* Current Values screen                                                        *
Cursor movement:
Move cursor <CURSOR UP>, <CURSOR DOWN>

Change values:
Increase actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR RIGHT>
Decrease actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR LEFT>
Big increase of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR UP>
Big decrease of actual value <SHIFT + CURSOR DOWN>

Special for Current Values screen:
Start trigger parameter <OK>

* Sega Controller                                                             *
Start = START
B = OK
Cursor keys

* Firmware update                                                             *
While power on hold <SHIFT + COPY + CURSOR UP> until bootloader is on Screen
very good, something like that should be taken over into the manual  Heart
yeah , great thing !

maybe add the "double-tap" for faster start and stop

something like this could be very helpful in the manual...
"Double-Tap" for starting and stopping in sequencer and pattern screen is already in the list:
"Second time <START> lets track start at next Live Quantize Point."
"Second time <STOP> will stop track at once"
oh, well...did not saw this...
Thanks fot that. I will make a quickstart/cheat sheet soon which will be added to all NerdSEQs and of course online.
I thought I would revisit this topic.  I liked the structure an content of @ollim's cheat sheet above, so I compiled it into a table that fits on a single sheet of (U.S. Letter) paper.  If anyone is interested in it, I've attached a PDF version.

Some notes:

-- I slightly reformatted the original (e.g., changed "CURSOR" to "CRSR"), mostly to make it fit on a single page, and hopefully these changes don't hinder comprehension too much.

-- @XORadmin, I hope you don't mind my use of the XOR and NerdSEQ logos; I didn't want to imply that this was an official document, but I was making this for myself and wanted it to be clear what product it was for.

-- @ollim's original cheat sheet was from early 2018, and there have been multiple firmware releases since then, so this sheet might not be complete.  If there is anything noteworthy missing, I'll be happy to revise this version to include them.
(02-26-2020, 06:23 PM)megarat Wrote: [ -> ]I thought I would revisit this topic.  I liked the structure an content of @ollim's cheat sheet above, so I compiled it into a table that fits on a single sheet of (U.S. Letter) paper.  If anyone is interested in it, I've attached a PDF version.

Some notes:

-- I slightly reformatted the original (e.g., changed "CURSOR" to "CRSR"), mostly to make it fit on a single page, and hopefully these changes don't hinder comprehension too much.

-- @XORadmin, I hope you don't mind my use of the XOR and NerdSEQ logos; I didn't want to imply that this was an official document, but I was making this for myself and wanted it to be clear what product it was for.

-- @ollim's original cheat sheet was from early 2018, and there have been multiple firmware releases since then, so this sheet might not be complete.  If there is anything noteworthy missing, I'll be happy to revise this version to include them.

Thanks a lot for that. Verry helpfull !