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Full Version: Anyone using 2 x nerdseq clocked together for more tracks
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Just wondering if anyone is doing this 

Doubling track counts using 2 x nerdseq 

I saw somebody do similar with 2 polyend trackers
I’ve thought about it for a while but haven’t taken plunge yet. Mainly because a single track in the Nerd can be so powerful and isn’t limited to controlling a single element. Examples are using a MIDI track to do a bass line on one channel and 3 voices of polyphony on another. Or using a single modular track to address multiple CV/Gate/Mod destinations.
(02-07-2023, 11:23 PM)Liquidcolor Wrote: [ -> ]I’ve thought about it for a while but haven’t taken plunge yet. Mainly because a single track in the Nerd can be so powerful and isn’t limited to controlling a single element. Examples are using a MIDI track to do a bass line on one channel and 3 voices of polyphony on another. Or using a single modular track to address multiple CV/Gate/Mod destinations.
 Its very powerful,

Like all euro rack sequencer it would be nice to have more tracks  ......... I would really like  to be able to make full tracks without having a daw involved ,

Would be be great ...... especially as many people hVe ourboard desks again..... rather than mixing in the box
Utilizing the CV16 I've created pieces with 10 note CV Tracks and 20 modulation CV tracks. I "only" made use of 4 of the 8 tracks of the NerdSEQ and it involved 2 CV16 expander as well. This wasn't even maxed out (I could have had even more modulation tracks had I wanted that).

Using 4 CV16 expander and all the available 8 tracks I could have extended this to 20 note CV and 40+ modulation tracks.

How many tracks do you wish to use?
(02-08-2023, 07:32 AM)converted Wrote: [ -> ]Like all euro rack sequencer it would be nice to have more tracks  ......... I would really like  to be able to make full tracks without having a daw involved ,

Would be be great ...... especially as many people hVe ourboard desks again..... rather than mixing in the box

I guess my point is that eight “tracks” is not initially as limiting as it may seem to a new NerdSeq user. I only use a DAW as a tape recorder and compose solely in the Nerd. My latest track had the Nerd controlling six different MIDI synths, 20 modular percussion voices and 5 or 6 different modular mono voices. It ended up pretty dense and the eight tracks felt like no limitation at all. Nerd is sending PC and CC to the MIDI voices and the CV16 expander is altering a number of parameters across the entire modular.

I’d recommend spending some more time with the Nerd, getting to know it a little more. If you still feel you’d like more tracks go ahead and buy a second. Syncing them together should be a piece of cake.
thanks for the replies - I will experiment further with nerdseq in terms of track counts and options described etc

I wanted the nerd because it's more flexible in terms of arrangements, like song arrangements compared to other euro sequencers I have played with. Plus has much more possibilities/features than most. per step etc

I'm just thinking ahead because I'm trying to move away from using a daw as much as possible, even without using the daw as a tape machine - I have a desk with enough analogue ins and FX options to bypass using the daw for mixing purposes.

I'm trying to have the best option to create songs a little bit like the older days of using midi with one sequencer (Cubase example) and the rest was all outboard devices triggered via midi etc.

I want the nerd really to be my main sequencer for euro rack plus bit of midi in the rack.

at the moment via an MPC I can use up 3 tracks straight away to do this  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WayWwGPG...=WMDevices

- each track includes a pattern (midi part) with a high cv note (as reset signal) and low gate trigger (for example a 16th) for a clock trigger --- it uses 1 cv and 1 gate outs of the mpc per track/pattern to do this.  
but that way - the tracks /midi parts control the start/stop/sync to three different sequence-based rack modules one for each,  then you can start and stop when you ask them to, rather than say just following a master clock /reset on 1 device. 

I can start to stop those rack sequences on a timeline arrangement as they were like midi parts on the mpc.
I can also use more cv/gate into say other euro rack modules, oscillators other etc using midi out of the MPC to a small CV ocd midi to cv converter ---- it's all great but song arrangement on MPC isn't great,

I would like the Nerq to be the main sequencer and have the same kind of option/flexibility

I'm not sure yet --- maybe someone can advise, 

but I want a pattern in the nerd to control the start / stop reset of another sequencer device - like say a drum sequencer in my rack or say my qubit bloom -- I guess that would use up 1 modular track rack or at least 1 track when that pattern is playing, it would use one track for the 16th trigger plus and high note trigger cv as a reset?
(02-08-2023, 08:13 PM)converted Wrote: [ -> ]but I want a pattern in the nerd to control the start / stop reset of another sequencer device - like say a drum sequencer in my rack or say my qubit bloom -- I guess that would use up 1 modular track rack or at least 1 track when that pattern is playing, it would use one track for the 16th trigger plus and high note trigger cv as a reset?

For something like that, I wouldn’t even “dedicate” a track to it. I would use FX commands to drive two auxiliary outputs on the expanders or the NerdSeq itself. So, for example, track 1 could be set to modular and be controlling an element of your track and the FX commands would be addressing an entirely separate entity. In this case, clocking another sequencer. Hope that helps.
(02-08-2023, 08:58 PM)Liquidcolor Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-08-2023, 08:13 PM)converted Wrote: [ -> ]but I want a pattern in the nerd to control the start / stop reset of another sequencer device - like say a drum sequencer in my rack or say my qubit bloom -- I guess that would use up 1 modular track rack or at least 1 track when that pattern is playing, it would use one track for the 16th trigger plus and high note trigger cv as a reset?

For something like that, I wouldn’t even “dedicate” a track to it. I would use FX commands to drive two auxiliary outputs on the expanders or the NerdSeq itself. So, for example, track 1 could be set to modular and be controlling an element of your track and the FX commands would be addressing an entirely separate entity. In this case, clocking another sequencer. Hope that helps.

hi, there yes that makes sense to do that  - so two of the fx lanes could out the clock and reset the trigger to the other sequence modules - on control when that happens or not
thanks for the feedback - my nerdseq plus midi expander, 16cv expander + 16 gates expander has arrived Smile

looking forward to playing with it -

good to know I can send a gate clock /reset on per module basis out of the nerd - with some control when those other sequence module play (rather than just from the master/reset clock).
and if it doesn't compromise modular tracks - even better -

I might just be able to bypass the daw completely

on another topic - are many using the launch pad with nerd - I guess that is of a live pattern launch option, rather than an arrangement of tracks into songs