Quote:What would be the benefit of routing the note column or the trigger column to an expander when you can use the local ones?
On an audio tracker (Fasttracker) or a midi sequencer (Cubase), you can assign up to 16 modulation devices on the chain. In CV world, this actually means 16 CV outs since you can't dasy chain. So since we have only 6 tracks on Nerdseq, I thought it would have been interesting to increase the amount of CV outs per tack if you want to have several modulations happening. Example: The BIA has 9 CV ins and 1 Gate in. This means that I cannot even use the original CV outlets since we only have 2 available (considering the MOD as a CV) or the CV expander easily, since the expander can virtually increase the amount of outlets beyond 6 (or 8, I can't remember).
Therefore I am stuck with the only 2 modulations per track. I can live with it, but what a job to program it all up, there is not pre programmed patterns or patches that I can download to deal with that fast. Also, If I want to control all the parameters of the BIA, it will hog the sequencer fast.
Quote:Would you really want to miss out the drum-matrix with the trigger expander for example just to keep the same interface? Would you want just mono tracks for Midi to keep the interface?
Hell no! I love this environment and plannig to create with it. This environment could be called in on the menu right? Like: Track Assign / Environment / "Basic" or "Drum Matrix"
If there was a box on the pattern (bottom right corner with the probs or even better one per step) where you can actually choose (other than FX) which CV (or/and TRIG) out you want, let's say, the 1 or 2 local ones and 6 or what not, on the expander, then I could finally have more than 2 modulations getting out of my Nerdseq and my BIA would do it's thing without having to use the Mimetic digitalis. Eg: if I want to record the CV pattern MD is generating on Nerdseq and record a track later.
Quote:Different gear got different settings and possibilities and that is also a fact with the other tracktypes or expanders. And that needs a different arrangement of the available columns to make the integration of these extra functionality possible or even available at all. Is it the best way of integration? Maybe not, but there has been no better idea yet without keeping the possibilities in mind! 'Add more tracks' or 'Add more note columns' is not within the possibilities.
As I said, if you can't, you can't, no big deal bro! I'm not going to die of frustration, otherwise I would not even be hear to bugger you around if you know where I'm comming from. (women nearly killed me with that and gess what, I'm still here on my feet, healthy as a young baboon)
Quote:Still I do understand your disappointment that things are not as you expected. I would like to make everyone happy but that is an impossible task.
It's not possible perhaps, since some people would ask you to work on little things (ratchets, those, I think, can be written in a table), that are, don't get me wrong, truely interesting, when others have some more important features to suggest, however, it's your call to choose where I stand.
Thanks for your participation, I hope my answers to XORadmin have answered your questions. Let me know if you still don't unsderstand why I would like to have the Nerdseq to be able to route control signals on more than 2 outputs.