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Full Version: Column order for Modular Tracks
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Lets do a poll!!

This is going through my head since a long time and I don't really remember actually why I did it this way.

The current column order of the modular track pattern view is:

I think that the following order would make more sense:

What do you think about it? What would you prefer? The old style or the Triggers next to the note?
I voted for new, however I’d really never put any thought into the order. In any case, I agree it is more sensible.
New style seems more logical and less keytaps. I vote for new!
I would also prefer the new order, but it’s all good.
sure i prefer the new too
i think
note|trigger|mod|Patch|Table|FX..... should be more logical because it will linked directly to the order of the physical outputs
+1 for new column order
Now that you've mentioned it the new one makes a lot of sense. I'm all for it. +1 for new.
Yes, it should align with the hardware I/O.
+1 for new order