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Full Version: CV16 TDX issue
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I have a CV16 expander connected on NSA 1 and updated to version 1.2. I have two sequencer tracks dedicated to the CV16 (7 & 8), with the column destinations set to Ext CV 1-6 and 9-14, respectively. When I try to use TD8 on the second CV16 track (8), column 1 (Ext CV 9) it says "Dest. Trigger Unknown". When I use TD8 on the first CV16 track (7), column 1 (Ext CV 1), it says "Dest. Trigger 1 40ms". In both situations, I do not get a trigger output on the CV16 output. In the second scenario, the TD8 command seems to actually trigger the local trigger 1 on the main NerdSEQ module. 

This seems like a bug to me, but wanted to post here to see if there is something I'm missing. I've updated the expander firmware once more to see if that would resolve it but nothing changed.
Not a bug. It doesn’t work like that.
The trigger commands are only for the Trigger outputs and only if the destination is set from 1 to 6 since they are only 6 trigger outputs on the NerdSEQ main unit.

Triggers on a CV16 are generated through a special LFO Type. Page 56 in the manual.
Ahh ok, now I'm following. I thought the TT were for the local outputs and the TD for the expander. I didn't realize they were both for the local outputs and the only trigger option for the expander was the LFO type.