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Full Version: A way for no CV change when no trigger is set
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Hi there!

Is there a way to not have the CV change when there is no tigger set? Like, no trigger set is 'turning the row/step off'.
I have (randomly / Euclidean rhythm fill) set triggers and set *all* CV values, so I haven't set all triggers and would turn them on when I like (e.g. using Euclidean rhythm fill/rotate) .

Now this makes jumping the pitch in the middle of a envelope when there is no trigger in the step. Now to avoid this, I need to delete all the note pitches where there is no trigger set...

Like an 'No Note on empty Trigger' option, just like the 'Auto Gate on Note', but the opposite.

Thanks for any tips,
No there is function like that currently. You could add that to the feature request and I see something possible as an option for that.
Else externally a sample+hold would do the job.
(06-30-2023, 07:52 AM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ]No there is function like that currently. You could add that to the feature request and I see something possible as an option for that.
Else externally a sample+hold would do the job.

Thanks for the external S/H tip! My first try failed because of a 'CV update slew' from somewhere. I need to look at the delay-settings in the track-setup.

Thanks, Airell