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Full Version: NerdSEQ fonts in TFF format?
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Greetings.  Is it possible to get any of the Nerdseq fonts (ideally the original blocky font that is used on my silver faceplate) in TTF or other format?  I'm considering making some custom keycaps for the keyboard that I use with my Nerdseq + More Video I/O, and to have the legends in the actual Nerdseq font would be nifty.

that should be the one:


And show us the results!!!
Thanks so much, and indeed, I'll show off the end product. I've never done this before, and I'm doing it around other things, so it may take a while.
It took less time than I thought, and I think the end result turned out pretty good.  If I were to do it all over again, I’d make a couple of minor changes, but on the whole I’m quite happy with it.

[Image: IMG_0260.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0261.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0262.jpg]

If anyone is curious about the details:  I had a spare keyboard with MX switches, which is a standard switch type that’s very easy to get keycap sets for.  I had these custom keycaps made through wasdkeyboards.com, and the set cost approximately US$65 plus shipping.  (The set also includes keycaps for the ten-key numberpad, which don’t fit on this smaller board, but I got them anyway in case someday I decided to go big.)  For the custom legends, WASD provides a template SVG file, and getting it set up was pretty simple.  The whole process took about an hour, maybe 90 minutes max.

I also had a special keycap made for when Thomas finally releases that future firmware version which has the feature that I’ve been wanting for so long:

[Image: IMG_0263.jpg]
BTW, in the process of validating that I created and placed the key caps correctly, I noticed a couple of surprises and wanted to confirm whether or not these are expected:

-- The manual lists "CTRL+C" and "CTRL+V" for the Mark/Copy/Paste actions. This is currently only working with the left CTRL key. As far as I can tell the right CTRL key doesn't do anything.

-- When I hit F5, I get the Current Values screen as expected, but Shift+F5 doesn't have a response, when the manual says that it should launch the Load Project menu. (Activating Load Project with the "Print Screen" key, however, works just fine.)

Are any of the above possible issues on my end? Thanks.