I’m wondering if you have any plans for making a NerdSeq specific “keyboard or controller” expander in the future. I have the expander module and have been struggling to find a keyboard to pair with it and it just occurred to me that a purpose made keyboard specifically for the NerdSeq would be ideal.
I personally would much prefer a keyboard made with the same clacky buttons as the NerdSeq with only the necessary keys included and labelled. The qwerty note keys could be made with a conductor keypad similar to the Buchla or Microfreak, pads or the same clacky buttons. Also a sega style NerdSeq specific controller that mirrors the front panel of the NerdSeq would be handy for a few people possibly as the NerdSeq could sit quietly anywhere in the rack patched up especially with the use of a monitor screen and tv out module.
(07-06-2023, 07:02 AM)FuzzedOut1 Wrote: [ -> ]I’m wondering if you have any plans for making a NerdSeq specific “keyboard or controller” expander in the future. I have the expander module and have been struggling to find a keyboard to pair with it and it just occurred to me that a purpose made keyboard specifically for the NerdSeq would be ideal.
I personally would much prefer a keyboard made with the same clacky buttons as the NerdSeq with only the necessary keys included and labelled. The qwerty note keys could be made with a conductor keypad similar to the Buchla or Microfreak, pads or the same clacky buttons. Also a sega style NerdSeq specific controller that mirrors the front panel of the NerdSeq would be handy for a few people possibly as the NerdSeq could sit quietly anywhere in the rack patched up especially with the use of a monitor screen and tv out module.
No plans for that. The current keyboard layout uses nearly all keys of the keyboard for its functionality and they are also smaller programmable ones.
I am sure a few people would like that, but I think it would be only a very few people. Not to mention that this would be a major developement thing (you talking about real product development, plastic cases etc...) and as you know, my time is like in the negative range and I focus on the very important stuff ;-)
I actually can easily sit on the couch, nerdseq hooked up on the TV and use a 20$ bluetooth keyboard and have access to everything in the NerdSEQ (though it doesn't have the same clicky buttons but I am sure they are also options for that out there). I think it is only a matter to get used to it.
(07-06-2023, 07:39 AM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ] (07-06-2023, 07:02 AM)FuzzedOut1 Wrote: [ -> ]I’m wondering if you have any plans for making a NerdSeq specific “keyboard or controller” expander in the future. I have the expander module and have been struggling to find a keyboard to pair with it and it just occurred to me that a purpose made keyboard specifically for the NerdSeq would be ideal.
I personally would much prefer a keyboard made with the same clacky buttons as the NerdSeq with only the necessary keys included and labelled. The qwerty note keys could be made with a conductor keypad similar to the Buchla or Microfreak, pads or the same clacky buttons. Also a sega style NerdSeq specific controller that mirrors the front panel of the NerdSeq would be handy for a few people possibly as the NerdSeq could sit quietly anywhere in the rack patched up especially with the use of a monitor screen and tv out module.
No plans for that. The current keyboard layout uses nearly all keys of the keyboard for its functionality and they are also smaller programmable ones.
I am sure a few people would like that, but I think it would be only a very few people. Not to mention that this would be a major developement thing (you talking about real product development, plastic cases etc...) and as you know, my time is like in the negative range and I focus on the very important stuff ;-)
I actually can easily sit on the couch, nerdseq hooked up on the TV and use a 20$ bluetooth keyboard and have access to everything in the NerdSEQ (though it doesn't have the same clicky buttons but I am sure they are also options for that out there). I think it is only a matter to get used to it.
That’s a fair comment, I just wanted to check before buying a keyboard for it nothing was in the pipeline. I know your time is precious and I’m totally blown away by how much development you have already done with just the nerdseq firmware. I’ve had mine for years now and would have been happy (like most I’d imagine) with it exactly as shipped back then. What it has become over the years is truly amazing (and I know there’s more to come) so thank you for that.