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got the i2c working with one of the ER-301s!
This is for any questions or information about the upcoming Multi-IO Expander (Midi Host/Device, I2C, the Knob...). If all is good then the betatesters will also answer any first-hand non developer questions and hopefully post some demos here.
If anyone is working with the Nerdseq and Teletype via i2c, I would be curious to know how you have them set-up together.
(08-01-2023, 09:00 PM)Catchthehare Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone is working with the Nerdseq and Teletype via i2c, I would be curious to know how you have them set-up together.

I would ALSO love to see this but more importantly am wondering if anyone with a txo or txo+ has had an easy time routing the envelopes directly to it!  4 voice wavetable synth in a small form factor seems a good companion for the nerdseq!
They are no teletype specific commands currently beside the Basic SC commands.
What would be your use-case? Which commands would you want to use? The teletype got tens or hundreds (not sure right now) of different commands which are dedicated to functions of individual gear.
I got to evaluate that since I will do only a part of the ‚protocol‘.
In the end it has too many commands and all gear uses all different commands as well (which is like the worst idea someone can have when making a protocol).
So let me know how you want to use it and which commands would be essential to implement.
Hello all,

Since this is my first post here in the forum I would first like to greet everyone and thank Thomas for the great work on the Nerdseq - killer sequencer.
I watched the latest video on Youtube and have some questions regarding the controls with the Launchpad.

1. Is it possible to open a clip/pattern with the launchpad to change the sequences, or do you have to do it via the nerdseq?

2. Is it possible to set triggers instead of gates in a normal CV track when programming a sequence with the launchpad?

3. Is it possible to set modulations and change the values in a normal CV track with the Launchpad?

Thanks in advance and best regards,
(08-08-2023, 09:18 AM)P4ncho Wrote: [ -> ]Hello all,

Since this is my first post here in the forum I would first like to greet everyone and thank Thomas for the great work on the Nerdseq - killer sequencer.
I watched the latest video on Youtube and have some questions regarding the controls with the Launchpad.

1. Is it possible to open a clip/pattern with the launchpad to change the sequences, or do you have to do it via the nerdseq?

2. Is it possible to set triggers instead of gates in a normal CV track when programming a sequence with the launchpad?

3. Is it possible to set modulations and change the values in a normal CV track with the Launchpad?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Hey P4ncho,

You can see all current possible functions in the manual.
I expect much more feedback when the expander makes the LP accessible for more users and will integrate good ideas then.

Basically, triggers in a modular and trigger16 track = yes
Going into the pattern with the launchpad = yes
Changing/creating melodies with the expander knob and/or  LP internal note functions = yes

Which is the state of this module? When it would be available?
I haven't got any I2C modules, but interested on usb midi host/device for launchpad integration and op1 sequencing.
Are there any documentation/manual yet available?

Look at the current Firmware beta discussion
(08-20-2023, 03:45 PM)nokulture Wrote: [ -> ]Hi!

Which is the state of this module? When it would be available?
I haven't got any I2C modules, but interested on usb midi host/device for launchpad integration and op1 sequencing.
Are there any documentation/manual yet available?


Most Launchpad functionality and Midi sequencing is already in the current Firmware / Manual so you could check there whats possible. And with the new firmware it'll be a lot on top of that.
The module is scheduled for the first half of september.
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