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Full Version: More-video keyboard customization
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for my keyboard, the keystroke for oct+ and oct- is a little awkward to get to. Its function+cursor left and function+cursor right which I guess is the home and the end key that is set up for this normally. On the numpad, - and + are tempo changes, which are easy to access but I can't imagine (for me at least) ever needing this. If I did it would not be in a performative way at least not in a quick easy access way, but for Octave shifting it would be. I would love to switch these more easily, and so with this in mind I thought I would request for the options for changing keyboard hot keys. Perhaps for at least some of the less crucial ones, in order to make the device more performable.

While Im here I thought I would mention too if there could be an option for keyboard layouts. how the first row goes for an octave and a 3rd. That instead of a repeat of the C-E on the top row, if it could start from the subsequent F in order to reach a full 3 octaves on the keyboard instead of the 2octaves and a 5th. Perhaps some people here might also want crazier other custom layouts as well. 

This thing makes the computer keyboard a bizarrely fun music instrument.

Thank you!
+1. Having a menu available to define user-mapped keys would be incredible. I can't be the only one who has dreamt about NerdSEQ Vim keybindings, right? Smile
(10-02-2023, 01:28 AM)fossilizeme Wrote: [ -> ]+1. Having a menu available to define user-mapped keys would be incredible. I can't be the only one who has dreamt about NerdSEQ Vim keybindings, right? Smile

+1 as well. Being able to user-define the QWERTYY keyboard would be a game changer for me (and push me over the edge to buy this addon).
It seems this is very close to being possible, since the keyboard is an input source on the mapping screen -- however only the NUM and DOT keys are assignable. From page 149 of the preliminary 2.0 manual:

EXT Are external input sources. Currently external key/button presses
are used (0 = button/key not pressed, 1= button/key pressed)
KEYB Is the PC Keyboard input of the Video Expander
NUM0..9 → Are the Number Keys / Number Block
DOT → Is the decimal dot in the Number Block

Would love to see the other QUERTY keys in this input assignment as well!