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Full Version: Issue with real time recording on 7&8 with Korg SQ1
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Not sure if this function was available in v1.27 but it really worked at considerably improving my workflow with v2.0. I am from an old school method of composition, and my experience using an external controller to record triggers and cv was basically cubase, which, to the best of my recollection, required you to change the midi channel number on the controller in order to record on the adequate Cubase track. It was not much of an issue, but this time I'm using the Korg SQ1. This controller requires to be turned off in order to change the midi channel. And going to that global mode also changes other internal presets and this is not really an option.

This is when I stumbled onto the midi in > record selected channel. This really changed the game with my rigg, I can now write very fast.


Thing is, it does not work the same way with track 7 and 8. I have multiple one shot drum samples on them, and aware that they have 2 patterns in each. What happened is that it doesn't want to play anything at all. It seems that instead of notes, we have note off info and everything will be set to 0, even though it's recording.

Is there a part of the manual where this is examined clearly? My gates via midi from SQ1 are positive, and CV are -5v/+5v

I also have another question, is there a way to stop the record mode from the sequencer screen with a shortcut? I think not.. As this routing is somehow dangerous if you have dancers.

Many thanks
(12-30-2023, 11:03 PM)Renzki Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Not sure if this function was available in v1.27 but it really worked at considerably improving my workflow with v2.0. I am from an old school method of composition, and my experience using an external controller to record triggers and cv was basically cubase, which, to the best of my recollection, required you to change the midi channel number on the controller in order to record on the adequate Cubase track. It was not much of an issue, but this time I'm using the Korg SQ1. This controller requires to be turned off in order to change the midi channel. And going to that global mode also changes other internal presets and this is not really an option.

This is when I stumbled onto the midi in > record selected channel. This really changed the game with my rigg, I can now write very fast.


Thing is, it does not work the same way with track 7 and 8. I have multiple one shot drum samples on them, and aware that they have 2 patterns in each. What happened is that it doesn't want to play anything at all. It seems that instead of notes, we have note off info and everything will be set to 0, even though it's recording.

Is there a part of the manual where this is examined clearly? My gates via midi from SQ1 are positive, and CV are -5v/+5v

I also have another question, is there a way to stop the record mode from the sequencer screen with a shortcut? I think not.. As this routing is somehow dangerous if you have dancers.

Many thanks

Heya!!! Enjoying your video for sure, maybe you want to share your flow in the discord group and upcoming tips & tricks live stream?

Anyways, I just tested it and it does record and play for track 7. Manual page 125: " For audio tracks, the note is filled in, the velocity defines the sample volume. The last used sample slot is used for recording, the sample slot can be changed by using a program change command."

So the selected sample is defined via program change or manually. But it will always only record into the first part of the audio track.

If the korg is not able to send program changes then you can change the selected sample to play+record in the track setup of the sample.

Maybe you can share another video where you try to do the exact same thing but for 7 and 8 so I can see whats going on.