I have my Nerdseq set up to trigger each pad of Lyra-8 using an external trig to s-trig converter.
Doing this works great with Nerdseq Trig expander, using Ext trig 1-8. On an external trigger track, FE then 00 starts and stops the gate correctly. After FE, stopping the sequence also stops the gate.
However, when I use a Patch to try and stop the gate, applied to the same row as FE, Kill Note 0001 through 0FFF does not work to stop the gate during playback. In the Patch, Trigger set to 0000 also does not stop the gate.
I feel there’s something I’m missing to stop the gate without using 00 gate off in the main pattern, as I’d like to randomize the pattern.
I’m looking to have a pattern full of FE in different lanes, randomize, and use Patch each time FE is triggered to stop the gate say after 3 seconds. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
(02-04-2024, 04:34 AM)kriskeyman Wrote: [ -> ]I have my Nerdseq set up to trigger each pad of Lyra-8 using an external trig to s-trig converter.
Doing this works great with Nerdseq Trig expander, using Ext trig 1-8. On an external trigger track, FE then 00 starts and stops the gate correctly. After FE, stopping the sequence also stops the gate.
However, when I use a Patch to try and stop the gate, applied to the same row as FE, Kill Note 0001 through 0FFF does not work to stop the gate during playback. In the Patch, Trigger set to 0000 also does not stop the gate.
I feel there’s something I’m missing to stop the gate without using 00 gate off in the main pattern, as I’d like to randomize the pattern.
I’m looking to have a pattern full of FE in different lanes, randomize, and use Patch each time FE is triggered to stop the gate say after 3 seconds. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The Kill and Trigger command you use are for the local trigger of the track but not for 'any' of the 16 triggers of the expander.
If you want to have all triggers on of off at a dedicated point, I would suggest to use the TRBL / TRBH FX command where a TRBL 000 would reset all triggers 1-8 (TRBH 9-16) and a TRBL 0FF would set all trigger outputs 1-8.
The Kill command is not suitable for this as this was/is mainly related to notes.
I am sure there is something possible using the mappings (as in triggers off after 3 seconds) but it might make it a bit more complex. Or with the automators and envelopes they are also ways to get to these results.
(02-06-2024, 10:42 AM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ] (02-04-2024, 04:34 AM)kriskeyman Wrote: [ -> ]I have my Nerdseq set up to trigger each pad of Lyra-8 using an external trig to s-trig converter.
Doing this works great with Nerdseq Trig expander, using Ext trig 1-8. On an external trigger track, FE then 00 starts and stops the gate correctly. After FE, stopping the sequence also stops the gate.
However, when I use a Patch to try and stop the gate, applied to the same row as FE, Kill Note 0001 through 0FFF does not work to stop the gate during playback. In the Patch, Trigger set to 0000 also does not stop the gate.
I feel there’s something I’m missing to stop the gate without using 00 gate off in the main pattern, as I’d like to randomize the pattern.
I’m looking to have a pattern full of FE in different lanes, randomize, and use Patch each time FE is triggered to stop the gate say after 3 seconds. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The Kill and Trigger command you use are for the local trigger of the track but not for 'any' of the 16 triggers of the expander.
If you want to have all triggers on of off at a dedicated point, I would suggest to use the TRBL / TRBH FX command where a TRBL 000 would reset all triggers 1-8 (TRBH 9-16) and a TRBL 0FF would set all trigger outputs 1-8.
The Kill command is not suitable for this as this was/is mainly related to notes.
I am sure there is something possible using the mappings (as in triggers off after 3 seconds) but it might make it a bit more complex. Or with the automators and envelopes they are also ways to get to these results.
So glad to have read this thread. Thanks to the OP for posting.
Top advice Thomas, the TRBL/TRBH combination is just what I needed to generate Envelope variations bouncing between 2x channels of the Trig Expander.
Just to run it by you: I set up 2x Automation Envelopes and patched the Trig Expander outputs into CV Inputs 1&2 to trigger them. A little work involved in the Start/Stopping of the Envs in the relevant FX columns in the Trig Expander, using the TRBL/TRBH, but it was certainly worth the effort. Love it!