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Just asking a silly question. How am I supposed to fully utilise the 16 CV outputs of the CV16 expander with only 6 channels available in the sequencer (CV16 page) dedicated to those outputs?
(02-23-2024, 06:26 AM)_DD_ Wrote: [ -> ]Just asking a silly question. How am I supposed to fully utilise the 16 CV outputs of the CV16 expander with only 6 channels available in the sequencer (CV16 page) dedicated to those outputs?

You got 8 Tracks and each can have another set of CV16 outputs if you want to.
You got the FX Columns with which you can access other CV16 outputs. Each different on each step if desired.
You got patches with which you can access all the CV16 outputs.
You got chords with which you can access multiple CV16 outputs.
You got the mappings with which you can access all the CV16 outputs.
I assume that should be enough Cool
If I like the enveloppes on the channel 01 on the expander and I want to send this channel to 1 to 8 like a multiply, I would use the Mapping page to do so? I am not sure what would be the easiest way to do this.
Thank you,
(12-02-2024, 09:23 PM)Cocosunshine Wrote: [ -> ]If I like the enveloppes on the channel 01 on the expander and I want to send this channel to 1 to 8 like a multiply, I would use the Mapping page to do so? I am not sure what would be the easiest way to do this.
Thank you,

You can't do that as the envelope signals are generated in the CV16 and not the NerdSEQ. External mults are the only solution here.
(12-02-2024, 10:29 PM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-02-2024, 09:23 PM)Cocosunshine Wrote: [ -> ]If I like the enveloppes on the channel 01 on the expander and I want to send this channel to 1 to 8 like a multiply, I would use the Mapping page to do so? I am not sure what would be the easiest way to do this.
Thank you,

You can't do that as the envelope signals are generated in the CV16 and not the NerdSEQ. External mults are the only solution here.

You could fire multiple CV16 envelopes on different outputs though. Just fire the same envelope like env1 on CV1 then on CV2 etc. Its not a multiple but the result is the same
OK this is fine, I will get to know the expander better. Thank you,

I run into two issues:
-In the mapping menu I can scroll down to CTRL Execute Mapping Rows but i cannot see CV16 like the manual says.
-In the expander section I can create a patch but the table section is all blue, I cannot create a table.

Nerdseq v02.01A
Expander V1.2
(12-04-2024, 01:44 AM)Cocosunshine Wrote: [ -> ]-In the mapping menu I can scroll down to CTRL Execute Mapping Rows but i cannot see CV16 like the manual says.
-In the expander section I can create a patch but the table section is all blue, I cannot create a table.

- The manual says CV16 destination, not source.
- "The table functions are currently not available for CV16 Tracks."
Ok I get it, thanks