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Full Version: MIDI-IO Expander Not Recognised ver.2.01A
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I've had my MIDI-IO (original expander not Mulit-IO) boxed and stored for quite sometime and hardly used at all TBH. I picked up an Arturia Keystep37 a few days ago and decided to restore the MIDI-IO expander to my case. Unfortunately, the connections for MIDI in the 'Input/Record' set up menu are not available??  

I have connected the module to the 'Pad/MIDI' connector, assigned MIDI to channel 1 in Nerdseq via the 'Track Assign' menu and saved the project. When I go to 'Input/Record', there are no options to activate or assign MIDI Input. I have referred to manual, but I'm lost as to what has happened? 

Does version 2.01A disable the older MIDI-OI? The module has been stored in its original packaging in a dry & smoker-free environment so I would be very surprised if it has a fault.

Please advise.

Thank you.
(06-25-2024, 10:56 AM)Joscuzz Wrote: [ -> ]I've had my MIDI-IO (original expander not Mulit-IO) boxed and stored for quite sometime and hardly used at all TBH. I picked up an Arturia Keystep37 a few days ago and decided to restore the MIDI-IO expander to my case. Unfortunately, the connections for MIDI in the 'Input/Record' set up menu are not available??  

I have connected the module to the 'Pad/MIDI' connector, assigned MIDI to channel 1 in Nerdseq via the 'Track Assign' menu and saved the project. When I go to 'Input/Record', there are no options to activate or assign MIDI Input. I have referred to manual, but I'm lost as to what has happened? 

Does version 2.01A disable the older MIDI-OI? The module has been stored in its original packaging in a dry & smoker-free environment so I would be very surprised if it has a fault.

Please advise.

Thank you.

The regular Midi-IO is never being recognized but just works.

What you do it set up the midi track but that is basically for Midi output (except for really track related stuff).

Midi input is in the 'Midi settings' and not in the 'Input/Record' settings as those are only for the CV inputs ( I split them up as they are not too related to each other anymore since the midi implementation got a 'boost').

There is a complete topic for the Midi input settings in the manual starting on page 126.
It is worth to check also the track setup topics as they cover the track related input stuff.

And no worries, all midi functionality which doesn't really need the hardware of the Multi-IO (like USB stuff, multiple midi ports etc) is available for all Midi Expander types.
Thank you Thomas for pointing me in the right direction. I'm set up for recording now and fully synced to the Arturia. Good to go  Smile
I did follow to find the p.126 part of the manual when trying my earlier efforts to set up the connections but assumed it was specific to the new Multi-IO expander. And on seeing the path taking me into darkly vaults of the Mapping settings in Nerdseq, I thought: Cripes! Huh Fortunately, it was very easy to configure using the new(??) 'Learn' function in the 'MIDI Settings'. Quick visit to the 'Track Settings' for the MIDI channel, and I was done. Big Grin

Thanks again.

Yeah!! And yes...mappings are their own universe ...but so powerfullllllll!!!