I'm attempting to set up a rhythm and have one particular trigger randomly ratchet. I want it to trigger normally, and then have it do random ratchets.
I had this set up just fine before I bought the More Triggers 16, but after adding it, I can't figure out what to do.
Thanks in advance. (I used the search and wasn't able to find what I was looking for.)
On page 54 of the manual I find:
TR1 .. TR8 Are the columns for the first 8 trigger outputs. The values are exactly the same
as on the local Trigger columns. (see CV/Gate Pattern screen for explanation)
On Page 25ff of the manual those values are explained in detail.
(08-08-2024, 09:51 AM)mgd Wrote: [ -> ]On page 54 of the manual I find:
TR1 .. TR8 Are the columns for the first 8 trigger outputs. The values are exactly the same
as on the local Trigger columns. (see CV/Gate Pattern screen for explanation)
On Page 25ff of the manual those values are explained in detail.
I appreciate the reply. I'm able to get the triggers and ratchets to go, as would be expected. The part where it's falling apart for me is in trying to recreate something I was doing before I bought the More Triggers (also, I haven't had a chance to mess with any of it in a while due to opening a business).
Before (as an example) I could have a hat triggering a basic 4 count. This would always be true, except for when a particular count (let's say 3), would ratchet.
The way I remember having this set up was programming in the triggers on the pattern, and then using an effect to fire a random ratchet. I might be remembering incorrectly, though, to be honest.
I'll keep plugging away at it, see what I get. If you have any more input, that would be awesome. Thanks again.
If I understand correctly what you want, then here is how you achieve it:
Put somewhere before the desired time (let's say beat 3) in any FX column
PRF1 000A (for a 10% chance - adjust as you see fit)
Let's assume your HH is in column 3. Then put on beat 3 in FX1:
TR3 0E4
This should with 10% chance have a 4x ratchet on your HH on beat 3.
That's basically how it works for modular tracks as well (and you should find a construct like this in your old project).
There also are the PR12/PR34/PR56/PR78 commands which are somewhat similar and could be used to achieve the same (feel free to ask if you can't figure out how

I've done my best to replicate what you described, and it must be that I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is I am trying to do. And believe me, I'm pretty sure it's on me.
So a quick rundown of my, for this example, very basic setup.
I've got the Nerdseq, I've got the More Triggers, and that is connected to the Rossum Assimil8or. More Triggers 1, 2, 3, and 4 going into Gate/Trig on 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Assimil8or. The more triggers is set up to work on channel One of the Nerdseq. (Obviously some utility modules, but they don't factor into this.)
Attempting to replicate your guide exactly (as I understand it) doesn't actually do anything. Below is a link to pictures of the very exact thing I tried. You'll notice on the trigger screen that the beat at "08" is blank. I also tried it with the beat filled in. That triggered as you would normally expect, but still no ratcheting. Hopefully this will clarify what I am doing.
Note: everything is on the latest firmware.
I've tried two versions:
00 40
04 40
07 PRF1 064
08 40 TR3 0C3
0C 40
00 40
04 40
08 D3 PR34 024
09 PR34 064
0C 40
All other cells empty.
Version 1 IMO should work but does not and I'm not sure why.
Version 2 works (kind of) except for the fact there's either ratchets or nothing (which could be catered for by another lane that always sends a trigger and than OR the two but again that shouldn't be required).
Maybe Thomas knows why Version 1 does not work.
Kind regards,
Thank you!
I copied example 2 and got the same results you did. I then altered it to look like this:
00 40
04 40
08 D3 PR34 024
09 PR34 064 TR3 040
0C 40
This accomplished some version of what I was trying to do. I really appreciate your input on this. I wonder, would there be a way to randomize which ratchet is happening? I suspect there is. Or, at least I hope there is.
With all that said, I have a sneaky suspicion there would be a way to accomplish this with fewer steps. Not that I would know, you've helped me get further than I could on my own.
I have not looked into it but would assume you could have randomized ratchets via the mapping.
When you simply wish to switch between a (small) predefined set of different ratchets you could create different patterns for each such ratchet and randomly switch between those pattern (see my post regarding Markov Chains in the Tips and Tricks section).
As a rule of thumb there often exists more than one way to achieve a certain result. Which one you choose might be a matter of taste.
In your above code:
What happens if you move the TR3 040 from ROW 09 to 08? Would it then be in sync?
However since TR3 040 in FX3 seems to work I really don't understand why TR3 0C3 in FX1 doesn't. Maybe changing my Version 1) from above such that TR3 0C3 is moved into FX2 or FX3 and changing the PRF1 into PRF2 or PRF3 would work? [can't test that right now as I'm not close to my modular].
Kind regards,