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XOR Electronics NerdSEQ Review-1. Eurorack Modular Synth CV-Gate Sequencer & Sample Playback. NerdSEQ Features, Sequencer Screen - Multi Voices Patch Description in the Video.

In this Part 2 of the NerdSeq Video Series, we start digging deeper into the Pattern Editor Screen and its features. We look at: - the Pattern Screen layout - the Notes (and Auto Gate On/Off) column - TABLES which can be applied 'per step' (Arpeggios, Transpose, Hop, FXs)

We carry on from where we left in Part 2 and in this PART 3 of the NerdSeq Video Series we take a look at TRIGGERS and AUTO GATES including Special Parameters like Open, Off, Toggle, Kill FX, Delayed Triggers, Trigger Repeats, etc... 

In this NerdSeq Review Video PART 4, we carry on with the MOD column, the second CV Output which is your second source of programmable Control Voltage 'per track'. We see some application e.g. controlling parameters on other modules and even as a second source of Pitch Control to create two voices polyphonic sequences. After the MOD column we move straight into the FXs, 4 Effects available per each of the 6 Modular Tracks. 

In this Eurorack Modular NerdSeq Review PART-5, we look at more FXs, controlling Automator LFO parameters ‘per-step’, Randomizing FXs, Random Steps Jumping, Per step control of pattern/song ‘stop’, BPM control ‘per step’, Transposition BASE FX, etc…

- the last few FXs, Kill, Break/Jump/Repeats...
- the Groove column for some shuffle, keep it grooving! -
- then move to the Patch 'per step' offering tons of parameters
- Conclusion for this 6 Parts look at the XOR Electronics NerdSeq