I only get an entire LFO cycle (ie the positive and negative parts) if the offset is set to the maximum; 2047
If the offset is set to 0, i only get the positive part of the LFO (the negative part sliced off)
Is this deliberate? A bug? It seems quite strange.
(04-14-2019, 03:24 AM)depaffect Wrote: [ -> ]I only get an entire LFO cycle (ie the positive and negative parts) if the offset is set to the maximum; 2047
If the offset is set to 0, i only get the positive part of the LFO (the negative part sliced off)
Is this deliberate? A bug? It seems quite strange.
Thats how it suppose to be.
Voltages: Your CV output generates as voltage between 0 and 10 Volt.
LFO: Generate voltages between -5 and + 5 Volt.
Range: F7 (full range)
CV as destination is adding the LFO values to the CV output.
So CV = 0, LFO is on the negative wave, then the result stays at 0 since the outputs are only 0..10 volts and can't be negative (being the offet switch to the position, of course -5 if the offset switch is on the left).
If the LFO wave is on it's highest then the voltage is 5 Volt (CV=0V, LFO=5V, added together 5 V)
If you set the offset of the LFO to max, then the LFO voltage (or lets say value, because it can be used for other things than voltages) is 5Volt at it's middle point, lowest wave value is 0 and highest wave value is +10V.
So all makes sense, the LFO is adding (and subtracting if negative) while the values can't be lower than 0.
Play a note on C-5 on the CV output and use the LFO on it without offset!!. Then your note will go of course up and down this 5 Volt.
OH! Thank you so much for explaining that! I get it. Awesome!