Wow! so great! Just downloading it right now.. been on vacation lately... bad timing

No i have to figure out a way to put wife and kids out for 2 days or more....
Thanks again for the amazing support!
The drummatrix is pretty awesome. Is there an easy way to 'accent' hits in this view??? Or what's the best way to accent a hit then??? Something tells me the CV Expander will solve this.
(04-21-2019, 01:58 AM)monads Wrote: [ -> ]The drummatrix is pretty awesome. Is there an easy way to 'accent' hits in this view??? Or what's the best way to accent a hit then??? Something tells me the CV Expander will solve this.
Easiest way would be to use unsused local CV outputs. And else they should be some multiple amplifiers out there whch you just use for an accent trigger then.
Thanks for the response!!! Yes that would work! Within Nerdseq I'm trying to avoid losing another Track. I'm envisioning Tracks 1-4 for normal composition. Track 5 assigned to the upcoming CV expander and Track 6 assigned to the Trigger expander. If there were a way to accent hits on Track 5 via the CV expander that aligned with the drummatrix via Track 6/Trigger Expander then all is awesome.
In the above the user would only accent hits already programmed via Track 6 and no 'automatic' link between the Tracks is obviously expected.
(04-23-2019, 05:38 AM)monads Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the response!!! Yes that would work! Within Nerdseq I'm trying to avoid losing another Track. I'm envisioning Tracks 1-4 for normal composition. Track 5 assigned to the upcoming CV expander and Track 6 assigned to the Trigger expander. If there were a way to accent hits on Track 5 via the CV expander that aligned with the drummatrix via Track 6/Trigger Expander then all is awesome.
In the above the user would only accent hits already programmed via Track 6 and no 'automatic' link between the Tracks is obviously expected.
I didn't say that and not sure if it would be possible. As expander tracks are very flexible, it is very hard to use expander functions from other tracks. You never know whats connected. But well see. For now you can already use the 2 CV outputs of track 5 and the 2 of track 6 if they are not used yet for your accent which is already accent for 4 drums then.
How do you set the note lengths in a MIDI pattern? I'm probably being an idiot but I can't see any settings like the trigger value on a modular track. I'm setting up some notes and each one plays until the next note in that lane.
(04-25-2019, 02:49 PM)LostForWords Wrote: [ -> ]How do you set the note lengths in a MIDI pattern? I'm probably being an idiot but I can't see any settings like the trigger value on a modular track. I'm setting up some notes and each one plays until the next note in that lane.
Just like with all the other tracks with either a note off or via the kill command. While Kill is in the FX section, note off can be archieved by deleting an empty field or the lowest note that you can set (One below C-0).
Please check the manual for it. This is stuff you really need to know to get everything out of the NerdSEQ. Using the trigger commands for the CV/Gate tracks is just one possibility to decide for Note / Gate length.
(04-25-2019, 02:55 PM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ] (04-25-2019, 02:49 PM)LostForWords Wrote: [ -> ]How do you set the note lengths in a MIDI pattern? I'm probably being an idiot but I can't see any settings like the trigger value on a modular track. I'm setting up some notes and each one plays until the next note in that lane.
Just like with all the other tracks with either a note off or via the kill command. While Kill is in the FX section, note off can be archieved by deleting an empty field or the lowest note that you can set (One below C-0).
Please check the manual for it. This is stuff you really need to know to get everything out of the NerdSEQ. Using the trigger commands for the CV/Gate tracks is just one possibility to decide for Note / Gate length.
I'm fairly new to Nerdseq and to date have been using trigger length with my style of music. I will brush up on the other options. In this case I'd recorded some notes in from Marbles with just the CV-note input and manually added velocity values. I missed one so there was a note with no velocity. It was stealing and holding one of the Peak's voices each time it hit that note so I was getting never ending notes. Should a velocity be forced in such a recording case where note values are being recorded in over CV not MIDI? I can't add a note manually without a velocity value. MIDI appears to treat such a note (no velocity) as a forever note.
(04-25-2019, 03:23 PM)LostForWords Wrote: [ -> ] (04-25-2019, 02:55 PM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ] (04-25-2019, 02:49 PM)LostForWords Wrote: [ -> ]How do you set the note lengths in a MIDI pattern? I'm probably being an idiot but I can't see any settings like the trigger value on a modular track. I'm setting up some notes and each one plays until the next note in that lane.
Just like with all the other tracks with either a note off or via the kill command. While Kill is in the FX section, note off can be archieved by deleting an empty field or the lowest note that you can set (One below C-0).
Please check the manual for it. This is stuff you really need to know to get everything out of the NerdSEQ. Using the trigger commands for the CV/Gate tracks is just one possibility to decide for Note / Gate length.
I'm fairly new to Nerdseq and to date have been using trigger length with my style of music. I will brush up on the other options. In this case I'd recorded some notes in from Marbles with just the CV-note input and manually added velocity values. I missed one so there was a note with no velocity. It was stealing and holding one of the Peak's voices each time it hit that note so I was getting never ending notes. Should a velocity be forced in such a recording case where note values are being recorded in over CV not MIDI? I can't add a note manually without a velocity value. MIDI appears to treat such a note (no velocity) as a forever note.
OK i see, i think it doesn't really make sense to record without using the gate. Midi doesn't know such a thing like note change. And thats what you actually do with only CV changings. However, i expect it to fill in a 7f as velocity anyway, but it seems like it doesn't do it.
Also with Midi (and thats with Midi in general), a note value has always also velocity information. Thats why you can't fill in a note manually without a velocity value. However, it looks like a missing velociy causes a illegal Midi note which causes to steal a peaks voice. I will fix that.
So for proper use: Record best with the gate, because then you get the note-off automatically. When recording from CV into midi, you manually got to fill in your velocity values until i fixed it. Thanks for the little bugreport

By the way, i will fix the minor issues with the new version right after superbooth. There isn't an important bug so far which need to be fixed asap.
So please work around the minor stuff until then.