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Thought I’d ask if somebody would want to share their experiences with the Launchpad integration. Curious about how much it speeds up the workflow and what’s the general feel of it? (Knowing it’s a very early implementation, of course). 

Considering buying a Launchpad, but it’s an expensive investment for something that’s not quite known to me. Smile

I just got the Launchpad pro MK3 last week. I had a ton of fun playing with it together with Nerdseq this weekend. I'm a brand new user of t he Nerdseq, so I can't say if it speeds up my workflow. It does seem to be more useful for playing your projects live, than in recording/editing them because there are still a few missing features (as far as I can tell there is no delete from the launchpad and editing seems incomplete, but it's possible I don't have everything set up 100% correctly.)

Having only spent a couple days with the setup though, I'm very happy with it. I bought the Launchpad specifically for my Nerdseq, and feel it was money well spent.
(02-10-2020, 09:24 PM)Jefro Wrote: [ -> ]I just got the Launchpad pro MK3 last week. I had a ton of fun playing with it together with Nerdseq this weekend. I'm a brand new user of t he Nerdseq, so I can't say if it speeds up my workflow. It does seem to be more useful for playing your projects live, than in recording/editing them because there are still a few missing features (as far as I can tell there is no delete from the launchpad and editing seems incomplete, but it's possible I don't have everything set up 100% correctly.)

Having only spent a couple days with the setup though, I'm very happy with it. I bought the Launchpad specifically for my Nerdseq, and feel it was money well spent.

Hey Jefro,

thanks for the info regarding the LP MK3 Pro. So it works like 'out of the box' as it seems?
They are very limited editing functions yet indeed and mostly performance functions. You can use it to live record and switch back to performing.
More features for editing are coming.
Yeah, it worked out of the box for me. I just set the launchpad to programmer mode, and had things working in no time.