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Full Version: Sequencing BIA - notes intermittently off
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Hi all,

I’m trying to CV and trig sequence a bassline on the BIA, but the notes are intermittently off.  They sometimes carry the previous note.  I’ve attached a video that demonstrates the issue, in which it plays right the first time.  The second time instead of G1 it plays D2.  The third round, the first D2 plays as G1.  It’s a bit maddening!

Thanks for any feedback!

A guess: Probability on on the notes?
(01-14-2021, 07:46 PM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ]A guess: Probability on on the notes?

Thanks so much.  I reset the track FX and it worked.  It must be this.  I don’t have any FX on this pattern, but it must carry through from a previous patterns (where I do).  I didn’t realize that it works this way.  Now I do - Whew!
Yep. You actually set the probability to a value like a knob...and turn it to another value somewhere else.