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Full Version: Using tables to make an arpeggio I hear more notes than I played
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Hi. I am trying to use tables to make some arpeggios.
I loaded the tuplets preset, set it to loop and increased the speed to 6 so the arpeggio is slower.
But, when I play the arpeggio I don't only hear the 3 triggered notes on the screen:
00, +03, +08, 00, +03, +08, 00, +03, +08, 00, +03, +08, ...

What i hear is:
00, +03, 00, +08, 00, 00, +03, 00, +08, 00, 00, +03, 00, +08, 00, ...

What is happening? I think I am hearing 5 notes in every loop and not 3 notes Can you help me to understand it?

Here is also a little video:
Is it possible that you have also triggers in the main sequence?
Else it might also be possible that the voice you control maybe reads the CV before the trigger so that it detects the old note first before the new ones plays?
(01-16-2021, 11:03 AM)XORadmin Wrote: [ -> ]>>Is it possible that you have also triggers in the main sequence?
Else it might also be possible that the voice you control maybe reads the CV before the trigger so that it detects the old note first before the new ones
Thanks for the help!
To the first question:  I don't think so. In the main sequence I only have a note (the root of the arpeggio) every 2 cycles loop.
To the second question: I don't know. It's a Doepfer Standard VCO and a Xaoc Zadar envelope.
I noticed that if a reduce the envelope time I can hear the correct arpeggio. Good. But if I make my envelope longer, then the root note is also heard, in the tail of the envelope.
Ok looking at the screen again. You have also the quantisation on and maybe that interferes now with your notes. I am not sure right now and need to test your sequence myself.
I have just discovered that if I duplicate the transpose values it sounds ok.
Oh haha. Yes of course. I looked also over it. — means no transposition of the original note and so the original one is active.