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i2c expander questions - Printable Version

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i2c expander questions - Friend of Dogs - 11-26-2021

As I wait patiently for the final piece of my puzzle, I've come up with some questions about the nature of what it is I'm looking forward to. If any of these have been asked else where I apologize. 

1. Will the i2c additions work in a similar way to the moreCV more-trigs modules, where you set up i2c into a single track?.  So for example, track 5 will be set up and then contain something like the 6 CV channels and you pick and choose which of the 100 ports that one works with?

If so, will there be options like 8 triggers over i2c, 6 CV style channel over i2c, 4note polyphony i2c?...regular channel i2c, etc? 

2. will i2c channels be accessible outside of tracks? For instance I use my ER-301 as an fx and a mixer for a few oscillators. Would I be able to send cv and triggers over i2c in the track fx section of a regular track, say controlling my akemie's castle?

3. This is more to my own ignorance of how things work, but will I be able to control i2c channels from an external midi source? Making it a kind of midi to i2c converter (something that as far as I know doesn't exist in eurorack yet, or if it does its only amongst deeper level engineers)

4. If you can access the i2c of outside of a track can you set up a kind of i2c thru. Say you have 16n --> Nerdseq ---> ER-301, can you auto connect some 16n ports to the ER-301, bypassing the nerdseq

5. Question not just for the Nerdseq King.

- What are you guys intending to connect to? Is there anything else you envision being integrated as beautifully as I imagine the er-301 will be?


RE: i2c expander questions - XORadmin - 11-27-2021

Óh I'd like to go so deep with that but they are still many things to manage before I really can get into that and finish the expander.

The good news is that I got a full batch of produced PCB's here now, so once I am ready with the firmware the final production will be fine.
(Where are the beta testers when I need them...cough).

However, I think I won't be able to really get into it before january. Updates for the current system is the first prio now ( CV16 mainly).

Getting into your Qs:

Quote:1. Will the i2c additions work in a similar way to the moreCV more-trigs modules, where you set up i2c into a single track?.  So for example, track 5 will be set up and then contain something like the 6 CV channels and you pick and choose which of the 100 ports that one works with?

That is indeed one of the plans, but additionally I want to add also kind of a drum matrix here if possible. Each column can then be assigend to one of the 100 ports and most probably also to different adresses.

Quote:2. will i2c channels be accessible outside of tracks? For instance I use my ER-301 as an fx and a mixer for a few oscillators. Would I be able to send cv and triggers over i2c in the track fx section of a regular track, say controlling my akemie's castle?

I actually don't know that yet. Because it would need also more global setup possibilities to do so since the FX columns can't cover that much information (like I2C adres, port, type of signal)... But as usual, I try my best to make things happen. It might most probably not be there in the first place.

Quote:3. This is more to my own ignorance of how things work, but will I be able to control i2c channels from an external midi source? Making it a kind of midi to i2c converter (something that as far as I know doesn't exist in eurorack yet, or if it does its only amongst deeper level engineers)

Shouldn't I make a Midi -> I2C converter then? Is there a market? hahaha 
I guess there will be possibilities for some routing. But mainly I also got to implement a proper Midi-CC implementation in the first place. I got ideas to make things possible.

Quote:4. If you can access the i2c of outside of a track can you set up a kind of i2c thru. Say you have 16n --> Nerdseq ---> ER-301, can you auto connect some 16n ports to the ER-301, bypassing the nerdseq

Yes, that is the plan. And I got 2x 16n here exactly for that and will make this and more work together with AtoV. Thru is no problem and it is then thru + merge because you could add also NerdSEQ stuff in the stream. But to control stuff in the NerdSEQ there is the same thing like with Midi: before I will integrate full control of NerdSEQ features I got to make the Midi-CC implementation. This will most probably be a combined step then.

So far this. I can get much more into this with more information once it is the next task on my endless 2do list Smile

RE: i2c expander questions - Friend of Dogs - 11-27-2021

(11-27-2021, 11:58 AM)XORadmin Wrote: Óh I'd like to go so deep with that but they are still many things to manage before I really can get into that and finish the expander.

The good news is that I got a full batch of produced PCB's here now, so once I am ready with the firmware the final production will be fine.
(Where are the beta testers when I need them...cough).

However, I think I won't be able to really get into it before january. Updates for the current system is the first prio now ( CV16 mainly).

Getting into your Qs:

Quote:1. Will the i2c additions work in a similar way to the moreCV more-trigs modules, where you set up i2c into a single track?.  So for example, track 5 will be set up and then contain something like the 6 CV channels and you pick and choose which of the 100 ports that one works with?

That is indeed one of the plans, but additionally I want to add also kind of a drum matrix here if possible. Each column can then be assigend to one of the 100 ports and most probably also to different adresses.

Quote:2. will i2c channels be accessible outside of tracks? For instance I use my ER-301 as an fx and a mixer for a few oscillators. Would I be able to send cv and triggers over i2c in the track fx section of a regular track, say controlling my akemie's castle?

I actually don't know that yet. Because it would need also more global setup possibilities to do so since the FX columns can't cover that much information (like I2C adres, port, type of signal)... But as usual, I try my best to make things happen. It might most probably not be there in the first place.

Quote:3. This is more to my own ignorance of how things work, but will I be able to control i2c channels from an external midi source? Making it a kind of midi to i2c converter (something that as far as I know doesn't exist in eurorack yet, or if it does its only amongst deeper level engineers)

Shouldn't I make a Midi -> I2C converter then? Is there a market? hahaha 
I guess there will be possibilities for some routing. But mainly I also got to implement a proper Midi-CC implementation in the first place. I got ideas to make things possible.

Quote:4. If you can access the i2c of outside of a track can you set up a kind of i2c thru. Say you have 16n --> Nerdseq ---> ER-301, can you auto connect some 16n ports to the ER-301, bypassing the nerdseq

Yes, that is the plan. And I got 2x 16n here exactly for that and will make this and more work together with AtoV. Thru is no problem and it is then thru + merge because you could add also NerdSEQ stuff in the stream. But to control stuff in the NerdSEQ there is the same thing like with Midi: before I will integrate full control of NerdSEQ features I got to make the Midi-CC implementation. This will most probably be a combined step then.

So far this. I can get much more into this with more information once it is the next task on my endless 2do list Smile

wow! all excellent news!