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Pam's 24PPQN Source vs NerdSEQs Mod.Clock24 In - Printable Version

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Pam's 24PPQN Source vs NerdSEQs Mod.Clock24 In - VMG - 01-10-2025

Hello friends of my favorite sequencer ever Big Grin 

I thought I had a pretty good understanding of "Clocks", and PPQN and all that... but something is mystifying me today and I am hoping someone here can educate me.

The Setup:
I have a default-out-of-the-box Pamela's PRO Workout, set to 24PPQN and Ch1 pulsing at x1 speed, so 1/4 note blinks at 120bpm.
I have NerdSEQ set to Project > Clock > MOD.CLOCK24 and NerdSEQ Track Setup is NORMAL (Clock)

First test:
I take that Ch1 1/4 note blink and stick it into NerdSEQ's Clock IN. In a Pattern, the cursor is moving verrrry slow across the 64 steps (I am assuming 16 steps (00-0F) == 1/4 note?) so I expected NerdSEQ's cursor to be haulin' azz flying through 00-0F with each pulse coming from Pam's Ch1. Instead, NerdSEQ pattern is advancing 1 step (meaning 00 -> 01 -> 02) one step every 6 pulses from Pam's.

Second test:
If I change NerdSEQ to MOD.CLOCK (no 24), then the Pattern steps advance once per Pam's pulse... which is closer to what I expected but still nowhere near fast as I thought.

Third test:
If I then change Pam's Ch1 to x16, NerdSEQ Pattern steps seem to fly as expected; 1/4 note (1 pulse from Pams) = Steps 00-0F of the Pattern, or 4 beats per pattern in a 4/4 120bpm tempo. If that makes sense...

Additionally, I did go in and mess with SHIFT-NERD > Track Setup > Clock * 8 but that doesn't seem to make sense to need to do that. Plus, it's also not fast enough. So I don't think that's the solution...

I do not think this is a NerdSEQ issue, I am only asking here because I am working with these 2 modules today and hoped someone here could demystify what's happening. I do not seem to have these sync oddities with other gear, including Pams PRO to Pams NEW, for example... or Eloquencer or PER|FORMER or Sinfonion, etc, though these all do have their own clock divider setups, just not as in depth as Nerdy.

Anyway, sorry to ask a General Teach Me About Clocks question on a specific hardware's forum - but hopefully someone can explain how best to set up an external clock to NerdSEQ for the 1:1 beats per measure my narrow mind is expecting Big Grin

RE: Pam's 24PPQN Source vs NerdSEQs Mod.Clock24 In - Liquidcolor - 01-10-2025

You want to set the Pam’s output to x24 and Nerd back to MOD.CLOCK24.

In your first test you’re sending one pulse per quarter note when the Nerd expects 24ppq.

When I had a Pam’s, I clocked it from the Nerd as master. This way, I could also send MIDI clocks. The Nerd’s clock is super tight.

RE: Pam's 24PPQN Source vs NerdSEQs Mod.Clock24 In - VMG - 01-10-2025

Thank you! x24! That's fast, but I get it. I guess if 1 blink from Pams is 1 pulse, and Nerdy is expecting 24, that would explain the slowness. I just thought that Pam's own PPQN24 setting had something to do with it. But now that I read your reply, this isn't MIDI Sync that's happening, but me using a Pam's output as the pulse. I think that was the logic I was missing.

I'll also try the reverse, Nerd to Pams, though the goal is to have Pam's be the One Clock to Rule Them All.