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*SOLVED* References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - Printable Version

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+----- Thread: *SOLVED* References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen (/showthread.php?tid=357)

*SOLVED* References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - wavedepletion - 04-02-2019

In some cases, after removing all patterns from the sequence and running Compact Sequencer, I am still able to re-add references to patterns that were supposedly deleted - however when I enter into the pattern screen, it shows a glitched or mostly-blank screen.

This might be similar or related to this issue.

How to reproduce:

  1. Create a new pattern or series of patterns in a blank sequence.
  2. Mark the pattern(s) and copy them to the clipboard.
  3. Clear the sequence by removing all instances of the created pattern(s).
  4. Run Setup -> Compact Sequencer. It will display that the patterns have been removed.
  5. Shift->Copy to paste the pattern back into the compacted sequence.
  6. Place the cursor over the pattern and enter the Pattern screen. It will show a glitched/blank screen.

Instead of pasting, I am sometimes also able to re-add the deleted pattern just by pressing Shift->Right, with the same effect. So it seems there are some pointers or references to the old patterns that still linger after compacting or removing patterns. Once you overwrite the pattern by creating a new one in the same pattern slot by pressing OK, it will overwrite/update the reference to point to the newly-created pattern, and the pattern screen will no longer be blank.

[Image: EApvcUJ.jpg]

On a somewhat related note, unless I'm missing something, I couldn't find a way to quickly create a new blank sequence/file without first removing everything from the sequence and then compacting and removing all track FX. I suppose I could just create a blank sequence and save it as a file and load that whenever needed, but perhaps a menu option would also be nice.


RE: References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - XORadmin - 04-03-2019

Oh yes, i see what happens. I got to clean up the clipboard then as well for the removed patterns. (They don't belong to a track type anymore and thats why it doesn't show anything / could crash)
I will fix that with the coming update.

I have to check though how one can still access cleaned up patterns without the clipboard/copy function. I thought that was allright, but i'm going to test that again.

To create a new project you can either do a soft reset (in setup screen, enable debug and below that you can make a soft reset).
Or you indeed save an empty project and use that as a clean template. (Depending on your FX settings in setup you might to use the reset all fx nerd function).

I will add a 'new project' function at some point, but it is not on top of my 2do list since thaey are other ways to do it.

Thanks for the report.

RE: References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - skybox - 04-04-2019

I could also recreate this when mark>copy an unsaved pattern, and reload same project without saving first, and trying to paste (I loaded on accident).

RE: References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - XORadmin - 04-04-2019

Yes i fixed most of these issues already. (Undo can recreate this as well).

I don't know about in between projects right now, but if it's also not 100%, i will move that to the next release after the coming one.

RE: References to old patterns remain after compacting, blank screen - XORadmin - 04-17-2019

Solved in V1.19