thanks for the feedback - my nerdseq plus midi expander, 16cv expander + 16 gates expander has arrived 
looking forward to playing with it -
good to know I can send a gate clock /reset on per module basis out of the nerd - with some control when those other sequence module play (rather than just from the master/reset clock).
and if it doesn't compromise modular tracks - even better -
I might just be able to bypass the daw completely
on another topic - are many using the launch pad with nerd - I guess that is of a live pattern launch option, rather than an arrangement of tracks into songs

looking forward to playing with it -
good to know I can send a gate clock /reset on per module basis out of the nerd - with some control when those other sequence module play (rather than just from the master/reset clock).
and if it doesn't compromise modular tracks - even better -
I might just be able to bypass the daw completely
on another topic - are many using the launch pad with nerd - I guess that is of a live pattern launch option, rather than an arrangement of tracks into songs