Right after the last big upate here another one again with some new stuff and fixes.
As usual some important information before you update:
- make a backup of your SD Card and especially of your projects
- Old Projects can simply be loaded with the new version
- Firmware updates always work, if it doesn't, then you did something wrong. Check the Firmware update FAQ for some infos.
- No worries, in case of any issues you can always go back to your earlier version!
- I totally can understand if you are disappointed if your long awaited feature request is not included in this update. I really do my best to get much new stuff in the releases and i keep track on all the hundrets of feature requests. I constantly update my 2do list and change priorities depending on many factors. Please read the FAQ in the forum to find out how i work and how i don't work. In the end, i can never please anybody. But i do my best to make it better each time.
Also note: Since the last versions the update will look a bit different around the end of updating. For most people the Progressbar will go back to 0 and some percent. That is totally fine and as long as it says 'Updating Succeed', then everything is fine.
Here are most of the changings / additions:
- Added new Sega Gamepad implementation with free button assignment
- Added gamepad trigger recording function
- Bugfix for weird BPM detections
- Added play Chord command for CV/Gate, Midi and CV16 Tracks
- Added euclidean input functions for the triggers of the local CV/Gate tracks
- Added shift up/down functions for the triggers of the local CV/Gate tracks
- Updated Mainclock edit
- Fixed sample slot scrolling
- Fixed possible weird behaviour when inserting sample sequences
- Fixed sample volume override
- Fixed non-working BRK override for trigger16 expander
- Bugfix for loading an old project with a filled sample memory
- Added groove counter. Shows if grooves are not equal with the groovesettings and patternlength
- CV input sampling improvement. Live passthrough on change only now.
- Table and Patch screens can now also directly entered when pressing OK (if enabled)
- Added TAP recording of triggers (using OK) if recording and on trigger column of a CV/Gate track
- Added sync on OK for mainclock
And some minor small things that came along the way or needed to be done...
The new firmware is attached here, download it, put it in your firmware folder and update following the usual firmware update instructions.
Also to be sure that you don't miss any feature or to know how it works, check the manual.
It can be downloaded here from this thread:
The Firmware and Manual is also always available on the XOR Website:
Don't forget to spread the word, make videos, because that is what's needed to continue adding new features!!
And please do it...i am still waiting for some cool videos about the FM stuff etc
...and stay safe!
* UPDATE to V1.23A *
- Bugfix for a possible crash with the Retrigger command in the audio tracks when there was no sample loaded yet
- Improved Envelope triggering and retriggering from the audio tracks
- Slightly change of the Sega Gamepad readout timing
- Midi cursor recording will either insert a trigger or only note on/off depending on autogate setting
- Fixed Table tick offset from automators which works now with the zero offset as it suppose to do
As usual some important information before you update:
- make a backup of your SD Card and especially of your projects
- Old Projects can simply be loaded with the new version
- Firmware updates always work, if it doesn't, then you did something wrong. Check the Firmware update FAQ for some infos.
- No worries, in case of any issues you can always go back to your earlier version!
- I totally can understand if you are disappointed if your long awaited feature request is not included in this update. I really do my best to get much new stuff in the releases and i keep track on all the hundrets of feature requests. I constantly update my 2do list and change priorities depending on many factors. Please read the FAQ in the forum to find out how i work and how i don't work. In the end, i can never please anybody. But i do my best to make it better each time.
Also note: Since the last versions the update will look a bit different around the end of updating. For most people the Progressbar will go back to 0 and some percent. That is totally fine and as long as it says 'Updating Succeed', then everything is fine.
Here are most of the changings / additions:
- Added new Sega Gamepad implementation with free button assignment
- Added gamepad trigger recording function
- Bugfix for weird BPM detections
- Added play Chord command for CV/Gate, Midi and CV16 Tracks
- Added euclidean input functions for the triggers of the local CV/Gate tracks
- Added shift up/down functions for the triggers of the local CV/Gate tracks
- Updated Mainclock edit
- Fixed sample slot scrolling
- Fixed possible weird behaviour when inserting sample sequences
- Fixed sample volume override
- Fixed non-working BRK override for trigger16 expander
- Bugfix for loading an old project with a filled sample memory
- Added groove counter. Shows if grooves are not equal with the groovesettings and patternlength
- CV input sampling improvement. Live passthrough on change only now.
- Table and Patch screens can now also directly entered when pressing OK (if enabled)
- Added TAP recording of triggers (using OK) if recording and on trigger column of a CV/Gate track
- Added sync on OK for mainclock
And some minor small things that came along the way or needed to be done...
The new firmware is attached here, download it, put it in your firmware folder and update following the usual firmware update instructions.
Also to be sure that you don't miss any feature or to know how it works, check the manual.
It can be downloaded here from this thread:
The Firmware and Manual is also always available on the XOR Website:
Don't forget to spread the word, make videos, because that is what's needed to continue adding new features!!
And please do it...i am still waiting for some cool videos about the FM stuff etc

![[Image: heart.png]](https://xor-electronics.com/forum/images/smilies/heart.png)
* UPDATE to V1.23A *
- Bugfix for a possible crash with the Retrigger command in the audio tracks when there was no sample loaded yet
- Improved Envelope triggering and retriggering from the audio tracks
- Slightly change of the Sega Gamepad readout timing
- Midi cursor recording will either insert a trigger or only note on/off depending on autogate setting
- Fixed Table tick offset from automators which works now with the zero offset as it suppose to do
PLEASE use the search function if something have been asked or discussed before.
Every (unnessesary) forum support means less time to develop! But of course, i am here to help!
Every (unnessesary) forum support means less time to develop! But of course, i am here to help!