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CV input range scaling
So far I'm having a wonderful experience with the Nerdseq! 

One question though, sorry if it hase already been addressed in the forum.
In a recent project  I used CV input 1 automator to control the trigger probability FX in a pattern. 

I plugged an offset source into CV in 1.
My problem is that my offset source (transient modules m3u) is only 0-5V (actually -4,5v +4,5v) and as far as I know NerdSeq CV in expects 0-10V.
In the automator screen I can scale the CV in value but only between x0 and x1.
So unfortunately with my 4,5V CV source I cannot address the whole range of probability.
I tried to add 5V offset then I can go to about 100% but not less than 50%.

Is there a way to scale the input voltage to x2 or more or to tell the NerdSeq to expect 0-5V instead of 0-10V? (or 0V-xV)

Of course I could use a 10V CV source (I tried with Intellijel Duatt or combining two channels of m3u it works perfectly), but since many modules are outputting less that 10V (Tetrapad, Stages, quadratt, sweet sixteen, Maths channel 3, etc...) I think it would be very handy to be able to amplify the incoming CV without any external module, so that with any voltage source we could directly address the full internal NerdSeq range.

Just another question about probabilities: why does 0 (like 64) turn the probability off instead of having 0% probability? I think it would make more sense to be able to dial probabilities from 0% (0) to 100% (64). Now we're limited to 1% minimum...

Thanks for your help, 

What's the difference between a probability of 0% and turning it off?

To solve your voltage range problem I see several options (this is modular - there ALWAYS are several options Wink :
1) Use an external amplifier that allows to boost a signal, e.g. Doepfer A-133 (there are others). Or double the signal into a summation mixer. Gets you amplification by a factor of 2.
2) use the full bipolar range of your source and add a +5V offset to the signal before you enter the NerdSEQ.
3) use the newer FX to multiply a function value (manual page 30). That allows to extend your range from [0%, 50%] to [0%, 100%].

I'm sure there are more ways Smile
0% would mean plays never and 100% means plays always. I see that issue and will see what I can do.

The other thing, there is no amplification higher than x1 (I will check what I can do here while keeping current patches to work correctly.
However, I think you could do a trick here if you allow to lose one CV or MOD output.
Create 1 slot with the CV IN and just read here the 0..5 volt with a 5 volt offset (so it creates a positive signal).
Create another slot with the same parameters.
Use for both a MOD or CV output as destination.
Then use another slot and use this MOD or CV as input. It should now be the input signal * 2. I didn't test this now but it might be a workaround that should work.
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@Thomas your solution almost works:
- I use 2 slots with same CVIN1 -5V+5V with +5V offset added both routed to lets say CV1 out.
- if I connect CV1 out to CVIN2 with a cable and then create another slot set to CVIN2 then I have the signal x2 and it works (except that my source is only 4,5V so I get to 9V and have to add 1V offset and so I can't have the full range 0-10V)
- if I try to set up this third slot with CV1 out as a input (without patch cable) then I get nothing (as if there were no internal connection) except when I try to add some offset and strangely when I am modifying the offset value then I get some signal, but it is stopped as soon as I let go the button (I don't know if I'm clear here).

@mgd your solution seems to be good:
- I create a slot with my -4,5V+4,5V source and +5V CV offset and assign it to overrule the probability FX in my pattern.
- then from another FX column I use FX Multiply (MAX) to adjust the probability to get up to 64 and it works ! :-)

About being able to get down to 0% (never play) that would be great!

The Nerdseq is really amazing!
Thanks both for your help!
(12-14-2021, 08:19 AM)bmoussay Wrote: Hi
@Thomas your solution almost works:
- I use 2 slots with same CVIN1 -5V+5V with +5V offset added both routed to lets say CV1 out.
- if I connect CV1 out to CVIN2 with a cable and then create another slot set to CVIN2 then I have the signal x2 and it works (except that my source is only 4,5V so I get to 9V and have to add 1V offset and so I can't have the full range 0-10V)
- if I try to set up this third slot with CV1 out as a input (without patch cable) then I get nothing (as if there were no internal connection) except when I try to add some offset and strangely when I am modifying the offset value then I get some signal, but it is stopped as soon as I let go the button (I don't know if I'm clear here).

@mgd your solution seems to be good:
- I create a slot with my -4,5V+4,5V source and +5V CV offset and assign it to overrule the probability FX in my pattern.
- then from another FX column I use FX Multiply (MAX) to adjust the probability to get up to 64 and it works ! :-)

About being able to get down to 0% (never play) that would be great!

The Nerdseq is really amazing!
Thanks both for your help!

Oh yes I see why the 'virtual' connection doesn't work. It looks like I take the signals 'before' the automators are applied. Seems generally wrong to me and is a subject to fix for sure.
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