04-27-2021, 06:24 AM
(04-27-2021, 01:02 AM)pmarchitect Wrote: What is NSA? And does the Easter egg mean we can use the sample outputs for midi out now?
NSA = Nerd Sound Adapter
This is another term to denote the various expander (Trigger16, CV16 and Midi as of this writing).
I doubt you can use the sample outputs for anything but sound - be it wave files or synthesized sound. FM or whatever Oscillator you may have selected on your sample track.
The really big thing about this easter egg is that - if you do not use the builtin FM or sample play - you have two more tracks with 16 triggers/up to 6 note CV/up to 4 midi notes (depending on the NSA you allocate to that track) each. And that does not yet include what you can do via the FX columns.
I'm in full agreement with mvdirty:
That is a big easter egg

Unfortunately that creates a new problem:
Should I get me a third CV16 or should I wait for the video adapter and check out if I can make use of that?
(admittedly being in the position to have this problem is really quite comfortable

Kind regards,