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Color by pattern number
Today we can color sequencer screem positions.
For me it'd be great to have colors dependent of patterns #, e.g. if i choose a certain color for pattern 01 then every place i put that pattern it uses the color i defined.
It'd help to have a better visualisation of the song structure.
I think you already have that but requires some work on your part....I'm all for ease of use but I tend to colour in blocks regardless of pattern number. Others may have their own schemes.
I can see the value in both options, personally. What if patterns themselves could have a colour optionally assigned to them and then be optionally overridden on the sequence screen? Best of both worlds, perhaps?
(05-19-2021, 03:24 PM)mvdirty Wrote: I can see the value in both options, personally. What if patterns themselves could have a colour optionally assigned to them and then be optionally overridden on the sequence screen? Best of both worlds, perhaps?

sounds cool
Maybe necroing an old post, but I would also like to have "by pattern" coloring. Smile
(08-23-2023, 10:01 AM)Morim Wrote: Maybe necroing an old post, but I would also like to have "by pattern" coloring. Smile
I second that.

After trying different approaches I have realized I do not structure my pieces by "sequencer regions/rows" but by "function" within the context of a song/piece. I do have patterns that have certain functions (like being part of verse, refrain, bridge, intro, etc.) and when I reuse a pattern they almost always retain their function. Consequently I would want to use colours to identify such blocks. Thus I'm for colours "by pattern" Smile

I hope the above makes sense.

Kind regards,
Just fyi, regions will get much more importance now that many more people use a launchpad soon.
PLEASE use the search function if something have been asked or discussed before.
Every (unnessesary) forum support means less time to develop! But of course, i am here to help!  Smile

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