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Release Candidate Firmware V1.26 RC6
(03-15-2022, 10:14 AM)XORadmin Wrote:
(03-14-2022, 08:54 PM)shield Wrote: Would it be possible to add an option to revert the envelope reset behavior to the previous one?

To give a bit of context:

I am still struggling with integrating the more-cv expander into my setup (I created a thread on this topic a few weeks ago).

The ultimate goal I would like to achieve is to have something like the note column of the default track with the option to control the CV values of the expander. In particular I am interested in getting the gating behavior when sequencing multiple consecutive notes. I want to control assimil8or (sampler) with it, and the re-triggers are important to have assimil8or pick up changes to the sample slot or the sample start position.

With the old envelope behavior I was able to achieve this since the voltage dropped to zero for a brief amount of time with the correct envelope settings when triggering the envelope.

The most favorable solution for me would be if I could set one of the columns in the expander to be exactly the note column of the original track, then controlling both the cv and gate the same way as without the expander.

That is a thing. It was a bug and that is fixed. The envelopes behave now as regular envelopes behave.

Are you using the envelopes as a kind of a gate then? You can now create your own triggers/gates with the CV16 expander which would then also reset the gate before starting the new one (if the trigger you create is shorter than your step).

I would not necessarily call it a bug, it's a decision on behavior. For example analog4 has the explicit choice on envelope retrigger behavior.

With the newly added trigger controls: Would it be possible to mirror the auto-gate behavior of the cv tracks there? That would be the optimal solution for me I think.

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RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.26 RC1 - by mgd - 03-13-2022, 08:58 PM
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RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.26 RC6 - by mgd - 04-26-2022, 04:27 PM

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