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CV16 Expander Firmware V1.2
I still owe you the release post for the CV16 Firmware V1.2. This is the same version as in the release candidate for the NerdSEQ Firmware V1.26. If you updated to this CV16 Firmware already then there is nothing to do for you.

Please keep in mind that the new features need the NerdSEQ firmware V1.26 or higher.

- adds 11 point calibration for CV16 outputs to get a finer tuning (automatic update, only fine calibrate with a good multimeter)
- fixes possible spikes on modulator stop
- Added simple trigger functionality for CV16 outputs. A new one shot 'LFO' is introduced to generate triggers in different length and amplitude (LFO type 7).
- fixed envelope retrigger. Doesn't do a restart of the envelope anymore now but goes to the attack phase from the current release value. Added an additional function that the old reset behaviour can be used with the reset function.

Check the following link for the update instruction:
CV16 Firmware update instruction

The Firmware and Manual is also always available on the XOR Website:

Attached Files
.nxp   nsa_cv16_1_2.nxp (Size: 34,23 KB / Downloads: 64)
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