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Firmware V1.28 Test Version
Loving the stuff I've tried to do with the beta firmware so far!

I'm having some trouble getting an envelope to fire on every note in an Audio track, which has worked fine for me before:

New Project -> Track 7 set to audio -> in Track Setup, set wave to Sine > Program Sequence (outputs as expected) -> In Envelope Screen, set Source for Env. 1 to T7 Audio 1 and Destination to Volume 1 = Envelope fires once, then never again.

It fires once every time I change a parameter, but the notes don't seem to trigger it.

EDIT: Maybe I'm misunderstanding how it works, since I had my default project set up for so long on the old software. It fires if I insert a retrig in the FX on each note, but according to the manual, it should just fire on Note, as far as I can see.
(08-16-2023, 06:03 AM)Labrioche Wrote: Tried this firmware for a couple of hours and I must admit that I’m little bit confused. I’ve owned a Teletype for a while and was expecting some similarities with the Matrix Mapping. But I can’t figure how to do anything expect for listening CV in and send them to any outs. 
Anyone manage to do something musical with it? Here is some idea I can’t succeeded:
- sample and hold listening to a lfo and sending note based on a clock division
- same but based on trigger/CV ON of a pattern
- condition to launch a pattern once
That was some easy thing to make with the TT but maybe I’m totally wrong in my expectations on this feature. Anyway it looks promising but I’ll stick to 1.27 for a bit, waiting for more clever folks than me to share some recipes / tips on how to use this. 


Didn't dig this kind of ideas, but you I guess you could implement the second one. Did you try something like that?

00 TRIG TR 1 > ---- ---- ----
01 VAR # A #001 > ---- ---- ----
02 SKIP 1 00VA > ---- ---- ----
03 CV IN 1 ---- > SET V B
04 VAR # B ---- > CV PTCH CV 1

I should do the following :
- register the trigger value of track one for later use
- set var A = 1 for later use
- skip the next line if the trigger value of track one is strictly lower than 1
- set the value of var B using the value CV in 1
- set the CV value of track one using var B

On my side, I tried to save an external VCA, by using the value of an external CV to divide the amplitude of an envelope, but there is audible steps, I guess because we're working with integers.

The thing I'm using the most is actually quite simple, but I love it : modifying multiple parameters using the value of a single fader of my Sweet Sixteen. It allow to make macro controls, like the one I'm used to on my Elektron Analog Keys. Really adds the direct access I was missing on the Nerdseq.
(08-03-2023, 09:54 PM)Onosendai Wrote: On the matrix, try this

Glob Srun ... | Trig 1-1 Trig

I was expecting to generate a trig each time the seq was started or stopped, but the Trig out is always lit

It works with "Trig 1-1 Gate" (a gate stay on when play, then go off when stop)

About the matrix again, right now if you simply want to send the same source to different destinations, you need to repeat the source on each line. I wish i could leave the left column empty

Instead of

Source 1 | Dest1
Source 1 | Dest2
Source 1 | Dest3
Source 1 | Dest4
Source 1 | Dest5

It would be faster to do

Source 1 | Dest1
............. | Dest2
............. | Dest3
............. | Dest4
............. | Dest5

Yep Glob Srun ... | Trig 1-1 Trig confirmed to not work well.

As for the Source - destination thing, this is not really possible like this as it would create much more lookup (and down) processing and I think it is not worth to waste precious CPU time for that :-) Just simply copy + Paste the line and change the destination works just as fast.
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(08-04-2023, 11:16 AM)st3rk Wrote: Playing with the new mapping options, it's very useful to process logic directly inside the Nerdseq. Currently playing with two voices and the ADSR envelopes :
- LFO 1 value: modulates release time of envelopes 1 and 5 used for the VCA and filters of voice A
- FFF - LFO 1 value: modulates release time of envelopes 2 and 6 used for the VCA and filters of voice B
- LFO 2 value: adds an offset to envelope 1 used for the filter cutoff frequency of voice A
- 7D0 - LFO 2 value : adds an offset to envelope 2 used for the filter cutoff frequency of voice B

Adds cool movement, and replace two LFO, 2 offseting mixers and 2 attenuverters channels in the rack Smile

A cool bonus would be to have access to the CV16 envelopes parameters too, but there is maybe some hardware limitations? I see they are now available in the modulator screen, maybe is there a way to use that as a workaound.

Curious to know what creative use other have came up with! I've seen on an other thread the cool idea to "precision add" multiple track sequences and to map it on a CV output, have to try that. I guess the A-185-2 precision adder will leave my rack soon Smile

I think the CV16 as destination could be added, too. Got to check that to be really sure.
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(08-11-2023, 11:03 PM)trevormeier Wrote: I'm having lots of fun with 1.28 so far. It's a huuuuuuuge leap forward for how usable NerdSeq is with the rest of my rack.

I'd like to see more MIDI options in the mapping screen - for example gates (note on/off) and pitch bend. I often use MIDI to send gates, and pitch bend would allow some interesting things with MPE controllers.

In the interim I've been using the four CV inputs to receive triggers/gates... but I've noticed that the CV inputs have between 1-3ms of jitter when mapping them to trigger outputs. That's fine for most CV but quite a bit for gates & triggers (there's also ~1ms latency which is expected). The issue compounds with the 1.28 mapping screen: converting gates at the CV input to MIDI CC seems to add a little bit of jitter, and MIDI receivers tend to prioritize gates over MIDI CC data, so even more jitter is added on the other end of the chain.

All that to say: if note on/off (& pitchbend!) were available on the mapping screen it would make the most of the limitations of MIDI.

This firmware is really a big leap for the NerdSeq. I'm having so much fun playing with it. Thanks for letting us use it before it's 100% ready!!

Notes as gates should be possible though. But as I see it now it would be either only one defined note or a note in general. That should do the job, right? Also the note value and the velocity value could be a nice source.

There is by design a jitter of 1-2ms since the processing is each millisecond while the readout of the CV inputs (which is multiplexed) runs also around that speed (totally fine for recording etc). But indeed added up it might create a little jitter of 1-3 ms (hehe still much better than your USB Midi interface ;-)  ).
So nothing I can change about that.
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(08-15-2023, 08:29 PM)vidret Wrote: Is this meant to take the place of the CV I/O in automators?

No...some functions may overlap but it is a different thing with much more power than CV I/O
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(08-15-2023, 11:01 PM)Cyber_Imp Wrote: Is there going to be a way to save and load these sheets of mappings?  Does this already exist and i'm missing it?

You missed to read that it is not in there yet but planned ;-)
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(08-16-2023, 06:03 AM)Labrioche Wrote: Tried this firmware for a couple of hours and I must admit that I’m little bit confused. I’ve owned a Teletype for a while and was expecting some similarities with the Matrix Mapping. But I can’t figure how to do anything expect for listening CV in and send them to any outs. 
Anyone manage to do something musical with it? Here is some idea I can’t succeeded:
- sample and hold listening to a lfo and sending note based on a clock division
- same but based on trigger/CV ON of a pattern
- condition to launch a pattern once
That was some easy thing to make with the TT but maybe I’m totally wrong in my expectations on this feature. Anyway it looks promising but I’ll stick to 1.27 for a bit, waiting for more clever folks than me to share some recipes / tips on how to use this. 


It is not a teletype and got also nothing to do with it. Also I don't know what the matrix mapping is so they are only coincidental similarities if at all.

- sample and hold listening to a lfo and sending note based on a clock division
There is a Sample+Hold function in the mapping (CALC -> S&H)

- same but based on trigger/CV ON of a pattern   
Trigger can be a source

-> condition to launch a pattern once
Yep easily possible as they are the launch destinations. You can connect any functions to it.

Quote:Anyway it looks promising but I’ll stick to 1.27 for a bit, waiting for more clever folks than me to share some recipes / tips on how to use this. 

Of course you should stick with 1.27 since it is the stable version and this is just a bleeding edge tryout for the curious people. Though I collected already some feedback which is getting covered for the release.
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(08-16-2023, 04:04 PM)visti Wrote: Loving the stuff I've tried to do with the beta firmware so far!

I'm having some trouble getting an envelope to fire on every note in an Audio track, which has worked fine for me before:

New Project -> Track 7 set to audio -> in Track Setup, set wave to Sine > Program Sequence (outputs as expected) -> In Envelope Screen, set Source for Env. 1 to T7 Audio 1 and Destination to Volume 1 = Envelope fires once, then never again.

It fires once every time I change a parameter, but the notes don't seem to trigger it.

EDIT: Maybe I'm misunderstanding how it works, since I had my default project set up for so long on the old software. It fires if I insert a retrig in the FX on each note, but according to the manual, it should just fire on Note, as far as I can see.

Actually this is a function that has been there before and nothing changed with this beta.
You got to see the audio as on and off / gated and not gated. The envelope will trigger new when it has been released fully. Once a sample plays for example the Gate stays on until the sample is ready. You can use the *** (gate off) to get into the release state and then it will retrigger. Optionally also the retrigger command with 000 will also retrigger the envelope.
For audio the same. When playing a note, the gate is being set automatically and it stays until a note off or a gate off. Gate off will keep the audio playing but affects the connected envelope. Note off stops the playback immediately and does also a gate off automatically.
Check page 38/39 in the manual.
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(08-17-2023, 03:18 PM)st3rk Wrote: On my side, I tried to save an external VCA, by using the value of an external CV to divide the amplitude of an envelope, but there is audible steps, I guess because we're working with integers.

Surely possible. Dividing by 2,3,4,5,6 can be big steps in the begin and smooth in the end. Maybe I should see if I add also a divide by 1.1,1.2 etc which would probably get better results. Though it is also the processing time of 1ms which also introduces some quantization. I guess it is maybe not the perfect thing for a fast VCA.

What you maybe could try it to do this with the automators. Having one CV input as the source value and another slot manipulating the Amplitude. Also here it is surely not perfect for a VCA substitude and maybe even bad as one :-) But surely worth a try!
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