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This one I totally stole from the M8 when I saw it, the rest are my own thoughts and ideas, I swear.
This could live in the NERD menu, and when a block is marked it would iterate from the first value to the last value.
With the aforementioned shortcuts for incrementing/decrementing/shifting values the NERD menu could be used for slightly more advanced functionality instead.
Like so:


The values aren't exact here, but the idea is to move from the first given value to the last, whether it is from a high to a low value or otherwise.
Like an interpolation. An easy way to do increments/decrements (I know about the ADD and subtract functionality, but I think this implementation has great value as well).

This one I might get flack for.

Currently, if you have one row copied, then go to mark a large block and copy to the block, you copy at the end of that block.
I suggest that the copy gets repeated throughout the marked area automatically. This could be turned off in the project screen.
This would allow a hugely useful way of filling in values (especially with the previously suggested marking shortcuts).

Like so:

Here we copy these 2 rows, then mark another block of 5 rows. We then paste and get a repeat of the values for as much as it can fill up the marked area.

I have no example of it here, but if we only marked the FX column and pasted we'd get nothing since our copy was nothing, as it should be.
I realize now that the marked area becomes unmarked in my example, and it doesn't currently - It could stay marked here as well.

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