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cv 16 won't change back to notes
On the cv 16 pattern screen I have come across the issue where if I surpass the note values + hexadecimal values by mistake and the tracker reads one of the internal envelopes + then I switch back to note values the tracker will cease to read any new note values.
it's like it's stuck or something. 
Also there is a mystical "^" symbol next to the cv output destination indicator of the corresponding column. what does this mean? 
In order to get rid of the issue I ended up restaring the project. 

Anyone know what's going on in this situation?


That mysterical ^ means that you set this output to be an envelope. It's not stuck. It is once you set the CV output to be a LFO or Envelope it will act like this.
If you use the pure mode then a note will have no effect. In Add mode it will add to the envelope/LFO.

Possible solutions:
- Stop the Envelope from the Sequence
- Press SHIFT-Stop when the sequencer is stopped
- Use pure overrule from the Track settings of your CV16 track which will turn off the envelope once a note appears
- read how it works in the manual page 58
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