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Release Candidate 1 Firmware V1.16 (RC6 UPDATE)
I dunno - every time I press a key, it sends the respective 1/v oct voltage and trigger. If I play it carefully, it'll do both fine. It seems it can't handle particularly "fast" playing or multiple notes, which the means it'll stop sending triggers. It's indicated by the red square on the sequencer screen staying on, rather than only going on to indicate a key has been pressed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Release Candidate 1 Firmware V1.16 - by Odan - 07-24-2018, 09:11 PM
RE: Release Candidate 1 Firmware V1.16 (RC6 UPDATE) - by shledge - 09-09-2018, 12:55 AM
RE: Firmware Update Information - by shledge - 08-29-2018, 06:19 PM

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