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*SOLVED* Nerdseq as Master BPM issues
Hi. I am using the Nerdseq as a master clock. I have the 1/16 clock out then going to a Pamela's New Workout. When I press play the BPM detected by PNW is a few BPM off the value inside the Nerdseq. Eg: if I play the Nerdseq at 128bpm, PNW detects 125bpm. If I slow down/speed up the Nerdseq, PNW always seems to be a few bpm off. 

I don't have this issue with other clocks going into PNW (eg: from CVOCD).

I've made a video to demonstrate this - no other modules are used - just Nerdseq and PNW.

Thanks x
(10-02-2018, 12:47 PM)Kid Yoshi Wrote: Hi. I am using the Nerdseq as a master clock. I have the 1/16 clock out then going to a Pamela's New Workout. When I press play the BPM detected by PNW is a few BPM off the value inside the Nerdseq. Eg: if I play the Nerdseq at 128bpm, PNW detects 125bpm. If I slow down/speed up the Nerdseq, PNW always seems to be a few bpm off. 

I don't have this issue with other clocks going into PNW (eg: from CVOCD).

I've made a video to demonstrate this - no other modules are used - just Nerdseq and PNW.

Thanks x


I did several tests with different devices and couldn't find any differences with the BPM. I also just made a recording with the scope to be 100% sure no other latencies are involved.
Connected is the Trigger which is 4 on the floor. Clock Out which is 1/16.
Putting both on the (HQ) scope shows both stable and calculating the BPM from it gives the rate of 128 bpm. (here rounded caused by the 2 digits after the dot). I definitely would say that the PNW doesn't calculate the incoming BPM well. In fact, this can be a tricky thing anyway if the clock rate/precision is not high enough.

[Image: scope-bpm.jpg]

Calculation is simple:  Measured frequency (here for the trigger) * 60 seconds
Also, when calculating with the clock signal i get same result as you can also see in the scope picture.
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But just to be sure. Is your Pamela running off? Like, Pamelas outputs (for example triggering something) vs. NerdSEQ outputs (triggering something else)?
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In answer to your second question - Pamela is just showing in the incoming BPM which in this case when set up as described is a couple of BPM out. I did a test and it doesn't seem to be out of sync - so it's just a display issue on the PNW. Is weird as I've clocked it from many things and this is the first time its showing a different BPM.

Thanks for your assistance.

Kid Yo!
Maybe it makes also a difference with the High/Low ratio of the clock for Pamela? With the NerdSEQ it is a 1/1 ratio.
Well, sorry really can't see a problem here right now. But if Pamela behaves well for the rest, then it's only a display issue i think.

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I'm also clocking a Pamela's New Workout with the nerdseq and have the same bpm display difference. The timing is solid though, so I've just been ignoring the display. It appears to be a problem between pams and other devices as well:

There's mention of calibration in the PNW manual to fix the bpm display - I haven't tried it but that may do the trick.
Yep, I also have this with the NerdSeq and Pam. Doesn't matter in practice as they are actually in sync.
Hello guys,

I'm having the same situation when the Nerdseq is the Master and the Erica Synth Drum Sequencer the salve.
But it looks like the situation happens when I set up a BPM of 130 and more. For example, BPM on the NERDSEQ = 130, on the Erica Synth Drum Sequencer, the BPM = 126 & 127. This cause a BPM issue on the Erica Synth Drum Sequencer changes the Pattern (I did contact them too).
But in the Drum Sequencer forum, it looks like the clock in of the drum seq (4PPQ clock) is inferior to the nerdseq (24 ppqn). I did contact Erica Synth too.

Here is a vidéo :

Sorry to speak about this "perhaps" problem again.

I had some time today so i tried a little experiment :

I put all my stuff on 120 bpm, without midi or cv connections :

and Nerdseq

All those are playing simutaneously quarter notes, only one is drifting signifficantly after a few bars : the nerseq.

Then i measure the bpm of the clocks of all my gear with Pamela and with MordaxData : All of them are at 120 bpm or very very close.

Only the Nerdseq is close to 118 BPM.

Not a big issue for me because i usually synchronize my synth if i want them to play together, but i'm suspicious about something wrong with the clock of the nerdseq.

OK, to be sure i used a Chronometre.
I put the clock of nerseq to 60BPM.
And i use a chronometre since i'm playing quarter notes.
I obtain sixty notes after 1minute and one sec, 120 notes after 1 minute and 2 sec.

With my other gear ( not all of then, : only the pamela and the eloquencer, the count is perfect )

here is the chronometre i used :
Hmmm... that is weird. Believe me i really checked it at least 3 times if the BPM is correct. In the first place programmatically and as i use a stable crystal clock the result should be good. 2nd, i used counts detected with the O'tools BPM counter and 3rd, scope measurings which all appears to be correct. The beatcounting in pamela seem to have also problems with other modules, so i expected the 'visual' issue to be there.

I will check it again. Don't get me wrong, finetuning the time is a matter of 5 minutes and i really want to change it if it's wrong.
Takes some days as i am off for X-Mas.
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