(11-11-2021, 06:29 AM)XORadmin Wrote: That is not normal. Is the expander using Firmware V1.1?
Also settings are saved with the project, maybe you always load with low sustain etc?
Yes, I updated my CV16 to v1.1, and this version is confirmed on power up. And if it matters, my NerdSEQ has v1.25.
And this is happening with default settings on power up, not from a pre-saved project, and it unrelated to the actual levels of the envelope/LFO. E.g., I replicated this just now with default envelope #1, which has the settings attack=1E, release=BE, and sustain=FF. I turned on the envelope in the first step of the CV1, started the sequencer, and nothing came out of the CV1 output. But as soon as I changed sustain from FF to FE (or even if I "change" it by advancing it one value (shift + left-cursor-key) when it's already at FF), it came through just great. Then if I switch the envelope to envelope #2, when the sequencer gets to that step again, the CV1 output goes silent again, until I change its sustain.
LFOs behave a little differently. I replicated this just now on a freshly started NerdSEQ. I set up column 1 of a CV16 track with LFO1 in the first step. The default settings of this envelope are type=00, speed=BE, and amplitude=FF. After starting the sequencer, the CV1 output jumps to its midpoint (e.g., 5V with the switch in the 0-10V position), but stays there. When I change either the amplitude or the speed, nothing happens. But once I modify the other parameter, the LFO suddenly kicks in with full force.
Let me know if there's anything else I can provide. I can make a movie of this process if it would help.