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Firmware V1.21A
I'm happy again to present you the latest firmware with again plenty of new functions, fixes and mainly support for the long awaited CV16 expander.
Since the first people should receive the first CV16 as you read this, the timing couldn't be more perfect!

First, thanks again for all the Release Candidate tests, they really helped to fix some hidden bugs and gave some nice feedback so i added more than i wanted in the end Wink

Some important information before you update:

- make a backup of your SD Card and especially of your projects
- Old Projects can simply be loaded with the new version (also the projects from the Release Candidates should work. Only one thing with the release candidate savings might be an issue. So it is possible that the Trigger inversion function for some tracks is set to inverted. You will find out by yourself, just set it right and all will be fine).
- Firmware updates always work, if it doesn't, then you did something wrong. Check the Firmware update FAQ for some infos.
- No worries, in case of any issues you can always go back to your earlier version!
- I totally can understand if you are disappointed if your long awaited feature request is not included in this update. I really do my best to get much new stuff in the releases and i keep track on all the hundrets of feature requests. I constantly update my 2do list and change priorities depending on many factors. Please read the FAQ in the forum to find out how i work and how i don't work. In the end, i can never please anybody. But i do my best to make it better each time.

Also note: Since the last version the update will look a bit different around the end of updating. For most people the Progressbar will go back to 0 and some percent. That is totally fine and as long as it says 'Updating Succeed', then everything is fine.

Basically I added plenty of CV16 functions, screens, sequencing, recording. The main update is actually the CV16 implementation. But beside these i added some little more features and fixes again:
- added Midi Note input offset, so recorded notes can have an offset of semitones or octaves
- added Midi Note output offset. So playing midi notes can have a default offset for like if your midi gear plays the C-3 one octave lower or so.
- added amount of record voices function. So midi is not fixed anymore to record into all 4 columns, but can be limited to 1-4 Columns. The other columns stay untouched.
- added page up/down fix to get to the top and bottom at end positions in pattern and sequencer screens
- fixed Mark + Page up/down
- updated main clock and clock view also for all other screens
- added stop all sounds function to NerdMenu in patterns. OK stops sounds from the track. SHIFT+OK stops sound from all tracks
- added waveform player in samples. From Sample 12 (0C) the waveforms Sinus, Triangle, Ramp,sawtooth, square and noise are added/playing. These can be pitched, stopped, manipulated with the effects or manipulated though the automators.  The squarewave can be changed in Pulsewidth and the waveforms can be hard-synced with each other.
- added trigger details in local trigger column in the statusbar. So you know when editing what the numbers mean.
- added delayed reset function so the reset comes a bit later after the last clock when stopping the sequencer.
- added All Sound Off function by pressing SHIFT+STOP on a stopped sequencer. All sounds off also fixed for Midi
- added for Automator LFO new input clock types, derived from a step or a tick with multiplicators or dividers (set with speed) and step from another slot.
- fixed midi issue which could create a hanging note on local CV-Gate tracks in very rare situations
- added autogate enabler function, so autogate can be enables/disabled (global setup) including the setting to change the Gate Off time.
- fix for clock divider / multiplier settings so they are not accidentally set in patch by default
- changed PR to piano roll name for trigger16 expander, added proper explanation.
- Fixed bug for sequencer stop which randomly could set triggers on stop
- Start and stop functions are now also available in other screens
- added Trigger as Sample FX effect. Triggers 1..6 can also be controlled from the sample tracks.
- added Notes as Sample FX effect. All CV and MOD outputs can be note-manipulated from the sample tracks now
- fixed last note value for sample when editing
- changed the order for modular track player so tables are handled right after the FX
- Mark, Copy + Paste + Delete now possible in the sequencer screen while a running sequencer
- added clone to local CV tracks when played or recorded live from Midi
- enhanced trigger delay time to up to 10 milliseconds (CV/Gate track->Setup)
- added trigger inversion function so the triggers/Gates for individual tracks can be inverted by default. (Works probably well with 1.2V/Oct of Hz/Volt settings and gear)
- updated the trigger timings for the local trigger tracks. Since V1.9 they have been changed but accidentally not matching the manual and Trigger16 timings anymore. Fixed to match again.
- added CV/Gate/Mod functions to the Midi tracks. So now all the local CV/MOD/Gate outputs can be manipulated from the 4 Midi Note columns as well.

And many minor small things that came along the way or needed to be done...

The new firmware is attached here, download it, put it in your firmware folder and update following the usual firmware update instructions.

Also to be sure that you don't miss any feature or to know how it works, check the manual.
The new manual version V1.0.9 is available in this thread:

The Firmware and Manual is also always available on the XOR Website:

Don't forget to spread the word, make videos, because that is what's needed to continue adding new features!!


* Update * This version is recently updated to V1.21A which fixes some minor issues!
The old V1.21 is available through this link:

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1,05 MB / Downloads: 60)
.hex   nerdseq.hex (Size: 3,12 MB / Downloads: 70)
PLEASE use the search function if something have been asked or discussed before.
Every (unnessesary) forum support means less time to develop! But of course, i am here to help!  Smile
Wow some cool stuff in here... Gonna try it out soon!
thank you so much !
Super cool update. I'm especially liking the waveform player function, among a lot of other things. Thank you.
Many thanks, as always!
Thank you! Love the new sample track FX!
The new functions all work great! Really happy with the autogate now working properly, its a time saver.
Only thing I came across is that tables are not very reliable in oneshot and restart mode. They skip or delay notes randomly.
(03-03-2020, 09:06 AM)SB-SIX Wrote: The new functions all work great! Really happy with the autogate now working properly, its a time saver.
Only thing I came across is that tables are not very reliable in oneshot and restart mode. They skip or delay notes randomly.

Yup, nothing changed with that. Didn't touch the tables, so these are as they have been. On top of the list.
PLEASE use the search function if something have been asked or discussed before.
Every (unnessesary) forum support means less time to develop! But of course, i am here to help!  Smile
Hello! I want to confirm; do the envelopes only become available when the CV16 expander is connected? I updated the firmware and the envelope section says "not implemented yet." My CV16 will arrive soon, so no worries, but I want to make sure this is expected behavior. Thank you Smile

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