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[FIXED] Hanging notes with launchpad

This is happening to me constantly and basically makes working with current setup impossible.

I have launchpad pro mk2 connected with midi I/O to Nerdseq.

I have this problem when I'm using nerdseq and the sequencer is running - if I change mode in launchpad (press setup, then select for instance the 'live' mode) a very low note is being played out and it stays on until forever. After this, if you go back to the drums or note mode, you'll need to sort of find the hanging note by trying to press all the pad which represent notes. Once found and the correct pad has been pressed, the note goes quiet but after this playing polyphonic stuff doesn't work anymore and even playing mono is somehow different (feels like a weird legato)

I have two nerdseqs and I am able to produce this 'bug' with both of them both sequencer running or stopped. Simply choose for example 'drum' mode --> hold down a note pad, keep holding the note while you press setup and switch to 'live' mode --> release the held note pad. This scenario involves of course using the equipment "wrong" - but I'm able to recreate the bug like this.

The thing is, this happens to me all the time while switching modes when sequencer is running, so I need to restart everything all the time to get rid of the hanging notes. I'm working with building a live set so this is problematic.

I'll be able to send videos or any info needed!

Thank you.

Oh yeah, and happens with both MIDI and 'modular' track options
Hey, i just moved it to the none crash section as this is not a crash situation.

I assume what happens here is that the Launchpad sends out notes (and i guess multiple, since you seem to lose polyphonic slots) when changing to other modes but is not resetting them. That seems to me more a Launchpad issue rather than a NerdSEQ one. Your example when holding a note and switching to another mode on the launchpad is also already a implementation issue with the launchpad in my eyes. Hanging notes is (as far as i am aware of no bugs currently in the nerdseq with that) always a responsibility of the Midi source. You can stop hanging notes by pressing SHIFT+STOP on a stopped sequencer (shift+stop twice). All notes will be (hard) released then, also hanging ones.

I can check it out tomorrow, but you got to explain me how to get to the modes. Keep holding a note and changing the modes is no test situation for me i think as this would only simulate a missing note - off.
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I dived a bit more into this since it's driving me nuts.

With modes I mean the ones in Launchpad pro, accessable via holding Launchpads 'setup', then choosing either 'LIVE', 'NOTES', 'DRUMS' etc. From the topmost square pad -row. I found out that LP pro sends a C0 message (at least Nerdseqs record reads it like that) when the mode has been changed. With LP's 'rolling text' (name of the mode rolls through pads) on, the note is being sent right away when the text ends. With the rolling text off, right away when 'mode pad' is being pressed.

So with the NS record on, I found out that Launchpad sends C0, C#0, D0 and D#0 midi-notes, depending on mode when the modes are toggled - through the channel which is being operated. When NS is in MIDI-mode, the 'hanging chord' received is F3 with velocity of 02, E1 v:2D, C0 no velocity and C0 v:20 - chord varies with different LP modes. And no note-off

I connected Launchpad directly to midi-devices and with other means to control modular and it worked perfectly. Even the hold-down-note-and-change-mode didn't affect anything - everything worked.

If Nerdseq 'Midi In Offset' was being changed, the NS obviously received for example C1, C#1 from the mode change.

It really puzzles me - I am on firmware 1.23A. My setup has been working without flaws for quite a while before I updated the firmware.

And as stated - I have two Nerdseqs with I/O exp and two launchpads - same thing with both/all devices.

It might be that the whole thing is LP issue, I've contacted Novation for help too. But to me it seems that there's a communication problem between LP and NS on NS's side :/ Maybe if NS could be configured so, that when in Launchpad pro mode, it doesn't react to C0 - B0 -notes. I dunno.

Sorry for the long post! I tried to do as much detective work as I could. Woul really like to hear if anyone else has this problem or if it's just my two+two units.

One more test:

installed v.1.21A and everything works perfectly again.

Also tried installing v.1.23A again and same problem as in previous post.

I had the two Nerdseqs, other with 1.21A and other with 1.23A, with all possible settings exactly same settings (+launchpads with exact same settings) controlling same sound source.

1.21A no problem whatsoever everything works great and smooth. 1.23A however gets stuck with the hanging notes.

Hope this helps!
The mode change is probably sending some information out which shouldn’t normally be there. DAW’s might recognize these if they know that the launchpad is connected.
The fact that some of your synth maybe don’t have issues with that is mostly based on that their octave range starts at C-1 or higher (and trust me, they is no such definition as C-1 in midi, I am refering to notes 12 and higher).
The nerdSEQ supports the lowest notes (midi note 0-11). I think we all agree that if working with notes that with a note on they should be a complement note off. That is always the responsibility of the midi sender. Also the receiver usually never knows what is connected in the midi chain. And since you use the nerdseq in midi mode and not in launchpad mode, it can be anything.

I will check today (i assume you are talking about the usual launchpad pro) what it is sending exactly and also the difference with V1.21A.
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And believe me I totally understand your frustration.
Just before i really check it myself later on, did you use another midi channel already, so that midi channel 1 is being ignored? (Assuming the ‘mode change commands’ are always being send out on channel 1)
That might be a simple workaround.
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Nerdseq was in 'Launchpad mode' in both cases. My 'normal setup' has Nerdseqs in 'launchpad mode' (launchpad pro on midi ch1 in the input settings) and I hijack/clone the MIDI data with Blokas midihub from NS midi out right before it enters the Launchpad to control outer gear (midi ch. 1, 2, 3, 4 filtered out for outer gear with midihub)

In these tests with modular tracks though nothing else was connected than the Launchpad in the way it should be used. Nothing more connected.

The hanging C0's were sent on every channel which were being used - if I had for example midi ch10 set to control track 6 which was controlling CV/Gate modular stuff - in my case an Acidlab M303 - the problem occured. Also tested midi channels from 5 - 16. When switching mode, C0 and C#0's were played out and if recording was on, the C0's and C#0 notes would be recorded too.

And as the 1.21A works it's not so urgent for me anymore to solve this and I can continue to work with my set.

I agree that that there is something weird with Launchpad and note off's should always be complimented with note on. Even though it would add the note off, a low note would always be played through NS when switching mode as NS recognizes the C0 -data LP is sending out. And in 1.21A this doesn't happen.

But yeah - not trying to be nuisance! Just thought it's a bug as the behavior changed after firmware update! Also sorry for the rambling long posts!
I tested it now with the Launchpad Pro and i can't reproduce your issue. In fact, the Launchpad doesn't send anything out here when changing the modes.
I tested it with the USB and the regular Midi output. Just to be sure, you are talking about the regular Launchpad Pro? (like this ). There is no Launchpad Pro MK2, only a MK3. (The regular MK2 is not a PRO)
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Hi, sorry to ressurect an old thread but after a long delay using my eurorack I decided to reassemble my system and get back to creating music...

I had not used the launchpad since v1.21 as I was experimenting with all the new features and I was using v1.24 firmware up till now (just upgraded to v1.26).
I am having the same issue as the original poster (I have the same v1 launchpad as him also).

Everything works great - I can start patterns etc. and play notes on any track using note mode, but as soon as I switch back to live mode a note is triggered and held from whatever the last midi channel was set to (and a red trigger and current note shown on the screen).

(Midi channel 1 is of course reserved for launchpad, the issue happens with all other channels).

The only way to clear the stuck notes is to use the "all sounds off" feature, then everything is normal until I use the note mode and swap back to live mode again.

I just tried v1.21 again and there are no stuck notes, I can switch between live and notes mode and it all works perfectly.

I can confirm the stuck notes happens with v1.24 and 1.26, I haven't tried any other versions.

I can't see how it is a launchpad issue as the behaviour changes between firmware verions. Something changed after v1.21

Right now I have a tough choice- use v1.21 and be able to use the launchpad to also play midi parts but lose all the cool features of later firmware, or lose the midi parts and keep the features Confused 

I hope you might find a bit of time to have a look at this issue... many regards and keep up the great work.
So the notes hang when switching between the launchpad modes?
Is it the regular Launchpad pro? It is surely possible that the Launchpad sends something out the NerdSEQ doesn’t like when switching modes.
If it is the normal pro model then I can test it. It would most probably be in the coming week as I am in the middle of moving everything (home and company) right now.
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Yes its the original pro model you linked above (like this )

Maybe a better way to describe it...
  • I have midi channels 2~7 set to track inputs 1~6 (channel 1 for LP pro only).
  • I select note mode on the LP and select midi channel 2 on the LP and play some notes - track 1 plays, all good.
  • Then switch to live mode, the LP shows the main sequencer screen as normal, but now on track 1 a note is held and showing red gate signal, and also C0 as the value (regardless what the value of the last note that was played was). The nerdseq outputs the held trigger and note value to the track outputs.
  • Then go back to note mode and select midi channel 3 on the LP and play some notes - track 2 plays, all good.
  • Then switch to live mode again, the LP shows the main sequencer screen as normal, but now on track 2 a note is held.
  • Same for all other tracks/channels. Whatever track/channel was last used is "remembered".
  • Same behaviour if the sequencer is running or not.
  • Using "all sounds off" function clears all the stuck notes.
Again, using firmware v1.21 no notes get held, I can switch between notes and live mode and everything is perfect.

Thanks for the reply and very good luck with your move, sounds a lot of work but exciting!


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