I have been experimenting with adding more randomness to my Nerdseq patterns, especially for percussion tracks where it can really spice things up. Tables are a great tool for adding simple fills, and the PRTB effect can make this random which is great (random triplet fills on hihat-type patterns are fun). But I have been wanting to have a way to select one of several completely different alternate patterns for a snare fill and had a hard time getting it to work. I finally did so I thought I'd write up a little tip in case anyone else wants to do this.
My intent is to have pattern 00 be the "base" snare pattern, and have it alternate with a pattern randomly selected from 01, 02, 03, and 04. So like 00 -> 01 -> 00 -> 03 -> 00 -> 01 -> 00 -> 04 etc.
The key thing I realized was that if you hit multiple STSP fx before the end of the pattern the last one wins, and in any case nothing happens until you reach a BRK or the end of the full pattern.
So in my Sequencer view I have the snare track like so (in track 1):
Then in the last 6 steps of the Pattern 00 FX1 and FX2 columns:
PRF1 019 ; set prob of FX1 to 25%
STSP 102 ; 25% chance to jump to 01
STSP 103 ; 25% chance to jump to 02
STSP 104 ; 25% chance to jump to 03
STSP 105 ; 25% chance to jump to 04, otherwise play 00 again
BRK 000 PRF1 064 ; end pattern and reset FX1 prob to 100%
And in the last steps of patterns 01 -- 04:
STSP 100 ; start pattern 00 again
BRK 000 ; end pattern
The mathematically-minded will recognize that there's not exactly 25% chance of each pattern being jumped to; the earlier ones are more likely to win (it's about 25% for 01, 19% for 02, 14% for 03, 10% for 04, and 31% that 00 will be played again) but that's good enough for me. You can tweak PRF1 from step to step if you want to even it out.
EDIT: My probabilities are wrong above
Since the last one wins and all 4 steps get executed, the later ones are more likely to win! More like 10% for 01, 14% for 02, 19% for 03, 25% for 04, 31% that 00 is played again.
My intent is to have pattern 00 be the "base" snare pattern, and have it alternate with a pattern randomly selected from 01, 02, 03, and 04. So like 00 -> 01 -> 00 -> 03 -> 00 -> 01 -> 00 -> 04 etc.
The key thing I realized was that if you hit multiple STSP fx before the end of the pattern the last one wins, and in any case nothing happens until you reach a BRK or the end of the full pattern.
So in my Sequencer view I have the snare track like so (in track 1):
Then in the last 6 steps of the Pattern 00 FX1 and FX2 columns:
PRF1 019 ; set prob of FX1 to 25%
STSP 102 ; 25% chance to jump to 01
STSP 103 ; 25% chance to jump to 02
STSP 104 ; 25% chance to jump to 03
STSP 105 ; 25% chance to jump to 04, otherwise play 00 again
BRK 000 PRF1 064 ; end pattern and reset FX1 prob to 100%
And in the last steps of patterns 01 -- 04:
STSP 100 ; start pattern 00 again
BRK 000 ; end pattern
The mathematically-minded will recognize that there's not exactly 25% chance of each pattern being jumped to; the earlier ones are more likely to win (it's about 25% for 01, 19% for 02, 14% for 03, 10% for 04, and 31% that 00 will be played again) but that's good enough for me. You can tweak PRF1 from step to step if you want to even it out.
EDIT: My probabilities are wrong above
