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Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC12
(02-07-2021, 11:22 AM)XORadmin Wrote:
(02-07-2021, 10:55 AM)sak-rwsd Wrote:
(02-07-2021, 08:58 AM)XORadmin Wrote:

I’ve finally set up my MIDI a bit ...

I moved this here ...

Hi Thomas, I didn’t have my Moog synths connected before this.  I had tried CV, but not MIDI.  I’ve rerouted my whole setup as of yesterday and am using a iConnectivity MIDIConnect, so have a lot of new MIDI connections as I’m trying a fully DAW-less setup for the first time, incorporating pedals and such as well.  

In terms of the track setup, I have MIDI Channel 1-8, set up as Track Record 1-8, respectively.  Track 6 is a MIDI track and I can choose MIDI Channel 6 on my Arturia Keystep and depending on what I choose on the “Record Columns” in the individual track setup, I can use the Keystep to play the different notes on the MIDI track, that in term go to a couple of Bitbox pads played chromatically (MIDI channel 7 and 8) , and then the Mother 32 which is listening on MIDI channel 1 (and which is the overrule for column 2 - MIDI channel 1).

I feel like it recording fine for the first sequence I recorded into a pattern.  But perhaps I didn’t notice, as I had it all running through pedals and a Hologram Electronics Microcosm.  Now, when I have everything off except for the Moog, it just plays the note I play and then a second note which is the last note played in the NERDSEQ sequence.  I can change the second note by stopping in different places in the pattern.

Sorry, not sure if that is relevant info or not, just trying to be thorough and still wrapping my head around all this!

That sounds quite complex for me right now. Can you reduce this to the one issue (like turning all midi channels off which are not related) and save the project, add it here and explain what i need to do to get the same result?
So I've saved the file as "Debug" and reduced it to one pattern only on track 6 (pattern 23).  Under note column #2, you will see a simple sequence intended to go to my Moog Mother 32 which is listening on MIDI channel #1 (via an overrule).  Before I play this pattern, I can play a note on my Mother 32 and it plays just that note (I'm playing with the synth's onboard keyboard). 

After I play this pattern (or even preview a single note without actually starting the pattern), my Mother 32 will play that note and another note.  It plays the first note in Note Column #1 which is sending to the base MIDI channel, in this case 7.  When I change this note from G4 to C4 and unplug and power up the Mother 32, after playing a note from this pattern, it now plays C4 without repeating, but then repeats C4 after playing any other note.  If I delete the note in column #1 (which should be sending to MIDI Channel 7, the base for this MIDI track) and restart my Mother 32, then there is no repeating note.  So somehow that information is crossing over, despite the Mother 32 intended to be listening on the overuled MIDI Channel #1 instead of #7.

Oddly, this will happen even when I subsequently unplug the MIDI from my Mother 32 (it is fine before I send MIDI from NERDSEQ).  If I unplug the Mother 32 synth and plug it back in, it works fine until I start a NERDSEQ pattern that sends MIDI to the Mother 32.  I never had this experience before when sequencing via Ableton, so it's not something repeating across contexts with the synth. 

I have another bug that just happened, where it will choose the item that is highlighted and it will be as if a button was automatically pressed (when no physical button was in fact touched).  For instance, I have the cursor over a note in the pattern screen, and while I was sitting several feet away from the NERDSEQ, while sequencer was stopped, it played that single note as if I had previewed by physically pressing the "OK" button (it is periodically repeating this, as I type my message).  This has intermittently been happening with the new firmware.

I tried to upload a 30 sec video of what happens, but it is too large.  So here's a link to the file on my Dropbox:

Dropbox Link

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.nrd   DEBUG.NRD (Size: 443,67 KB / Downloads: 1)

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RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC2 - by sak-rwsd - 02-08-2021, 04:42 AM
RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC8 - by mgd - 02-23-2021, 06:02 AM

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