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Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC12
It would be awesome if the trigger info was displayed at the bottom of the screen in the trigger 16 patterns - like it is in the modular pattern screen! At the moment it just says "EXTERNAL TRIGGER 1" etc at the bottom of the trigger 16 patterns, rather than "Trigger 15ms" etc which is super helpful in the modular patterns, especially with the new trigger functionality.

Similarly, having the FX info displayed down the bottom in table screens (like it is in the modular pattern screen) would be awesome too!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC8 - by depaffect - 02-21-2021, 12:32 AM
RE: Release Candidate Firmware V1.24 RC8 - by mgd - 02-23-2021, 06:02 AM

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