NerdSEQ Firmware V1.17
/in Newsflash/by AdminI just released the new NerdSEQ firmware V1.17 with some minor updates and fixes:
- Fix: In the Sample Load menu, deleting in the ‘Abort’ row could reset the NerdSEQ
- Added ‘All Sounds Off’ Midi Message, releases all Notes.
- Automator value browsing in the FX section changes now the Automatorfunction with shift+up/down and the value with shift left-right. Current values (scaled) are automatically filled in when browsing through the functions
- Added: Autoload function in the setup menu. Set the last saved project to autoload on startup.
- Fix: In the sequencer screen if the global transpose plus the playing note is higher than the highest note (and lower than the lowest) which can lead to a glitch or to a crash worst case.
You can download the firmware as usual on the NerdSEQ page here or on the Forum.
NerdSEQ stock, Superbooth 2018
/in Newsflash/by AdminFirst of all a happy new year and all the best for 2018 to all of you!!
2017 was agreat year for me as i really got started with the company and releasing the NerdSEQ which was a great success and highly accepted by all of you! The first batch sold very well and now the 2nd batch is already in the making. At this point i can’t make any new NerdSEQs as i am waiting for a component since 6 weeks which seem to be lost on the way. Even though i made multiple orders for it, none of them arrived yet. I hope for them to arrive soon and be able to deliver again before february. The good thing about it is that i already designed PLAN B so i don’t rely on this component anymore for the future. But that will be earliest ready at the end of february, begin march.
Superbooth 2018 is coming and i booked my table again for it. More info coming!
NerdSEQ shipping and more news
/in Newsflash/by AdminOh yes, i got to post something from time to time here.
The NerdSEQ is on the market and some units have already been shipped. Though i am still busy getting the production running i add some to the stock every few days. The NerdSEQ is available at Schneidersladen which i really cool, too!!
So stay tuned and keep checking if there is no stock, i will build it up in the next weeks.
Nerdseq production started
/in Newsflash/by AdminAfter a succesfull betatest phase i am happy to announce that the Nerdseq production of the first batch just started. In a few weeks i will receive the assembled boards and all needed components. If everything is on time, produced well and tested then i can start to ship the first units at the end of August 2017.
After Superbooth
/in Newsflash/by AdminSuperbooth was amazing!
Thanks to all the people who came by to check the real thing. I got many positive responses and saw loads of happy faces who can’t wait for all to be released.
As the Nerdsynth will take a while, the Nerdseq is very close to hit the market. Planned release is now July of 2017. More information about orders and avaliability comes as soon as possible.
NerdSEQ update 03/2017
/in Newsflash/by AdminOh well, i am lazy with the blog updates. But that doesn’t mean that i am not busy with the Projects. Actually the opposite is the case. I use every free minute to get the NerdSEQ ready. The Betatest batch is already in production and estimated to be ready in the middle of march. When the hardware is fine, i will directly start the first real batch. The Nerdsynth is delayed now until the Nerdseq production is running.
In April i will present the NerdSEQ, it’s expansion modules and the Nerdsynth prototype at the already famous Superbooth Fair for electronic instruments on (April 20-22 2017 in Berlin). Visit me at booth O507, XOR Electronics (My company behind the NerdSEQ and Nerdsynth). From then the first Nerdseq batch will be available.
Nerdsynth at Noise Kitchen Synth Fest#2 in Brno
/0 Comments/in Newsflash/by AdminNext week there is the great Noise Kitchen Synth Fest #2 in Brno organized by the Bastl Instruments guys. With many Synthesizers, Modulars, DIY Workshops and performances. And the Nerdsynth will be there, too. You will be able to play with the recent Nerdsynth prototype and chat with me about its future.
First video with visuals
/0 Comments/in Newsflash/by AdminOnce in a while we show major updates and now we can present the first full video with visual sequencing. Again, this is the very first visual implementation but it gives a clue what it might be. There are also some other GUI updates (player indication, progressbars and the 2 new visual tracks).