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Nerdsynth @ Amsterdam Dance Event

Nerdsynth @ Amsterdam Dance Event

One step further to the real deal. The Nerdsynth will be part of the Amsterdam Dance Event in october and can show it to the big audience. As part of the ADE Sound Lab we will receive funding to get the new and hopefully final Nerdsynth prototype ready.

Read more here (in Dutch):

The funding will be made available by:


Autumn update

Dear followers,

After playing some live concerts and showcases it’s time to give some information about the development progress again. We are very busy getting the new prototype ready which will contain all features we decided on for version 1.0. Hopefully there will be enough time to draw the PCB and get it to the manufacturer before the end of the year. Then we can solder and build a new prototype in early 2015. Jan and Thomas will do their best to achieve this. Our new team member Bram will redesign the Nerdsynth website in the meantime so it doesn’t look so boring.
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Nerdsynth livesets and showcases

Nerdsynth is going on the road again! After a performance in Rotterdam and one in  Hamburg the Nerdsynth will travel to Copenhagen. Thomas AKA Frau Holle AKA FirestARTer will perform with a prototype of the Nerdsynth on September 6th at Mikrodisko CPH #3! He also will do a showcase so don’t miss it.
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Nerdsynth demo

Hey there,

Check out the demo on Soundcloud (and while you’re at it, follow us there too!)

The demo was made using only the N3rdsyn7h.

More soon! :)

First video

We made a first video to show what we are talking about. Audio Quality is bad, but it gives you a rough overview about what to expect. HQ audio is coming soon. As sound device we use the code from the ATMegatron from Soulsby Synthesizers.